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While I'm working on some bigger stuff, I figured I'd share some Jinn Tales graphics with you guys, since me and Fizzworks have been discussing the game a bunch lately, as well as doing design work for it since we both really really liked designing the game.

All enemies, even humans, would be under the Jinn's control. In the case of most of the enemies here that would be Zoulapin of the Mists. He took over the palace baths and everyone inside of it became his foot soldiers, gaining his color scheme.

As you weaken enemies though, Zoulapin's magical hold on them is increasingly replaced with Azhar's. This gives them Musmus's yellow and orange color scheme as well as Azhar's (extremely horny) temperament.

When you completely override control with your powers, the humans are safe. Probably very sore, but safe.

Humans aren't the only thing roaming the halls, however. The Jinn have brought many mythical creatures like golems (made of soap), apsaras, and mermen to enforce their will.

Of course, they're vulnerable to a control override as well. :V

During the game's initial design before putting on indefinite hiatus, we mostly designed enemies for the palace baths.

We did make sure to include an oil wrestler though, under the domain of the red jinni.

(Some extra concept art of the main character)

That's it for today, I'll be back Friday with some Zap and Andy as well as a build update for the 10 dollar folks.

See you guys then! Have a safe and happy week! :D



What happened to this is still going on


The programmer experienced a ton of troubles and Fizzworks needed to do other work, so we put it on indefinite hold. It isn't dead, but its not currently being worked on regularly.