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Hey folks! Instead of a big Tuesday update, I'm gonna have to divide this update into two pieces, one today and one tomorrow, as I can't access any of my recording software because my windows drive died on me. No game work was lost because I store all my work on its own drive, but I've been trying to put everything back together, so the second half of this is gonna be tomorrow!

This has been my Monday and Tuesday...

Alrighty, first off, Zap and Andy! I've been doing code sweeps for things like the title sequence and the background code that runs during bad ends.

The title screen has had a bit of a revamp to make it a little more user friendly!

The bad ends also have more centered text as well, and their code has been simplified, alongside a list of code changes requested by our head writer Anothermeekone to either improve the experience for the player, or fit the game scenario better. (Gifs of this and more coming tomorrow!)

I'll cover Zap and Andy more in depth tomorrow.

Now for the bonus, I have the second of the jinn trio me and Fizzworks designed, Pistachio, the usurper of the palace!

Originally designed as a jinn of judgment, Fizz had the idea of making him being an embodiment of two sided things, which works really well since he was meant to be the middle one fought and have control over both the opulent palace halls and the palace's jail.

Fizz also designed a ruffian/outlaw form for him, showing the character's duality in another way, both a judge and a criminal.

Both of us would love to revisit these characters and scenarios in the future, and I think eventually we'll be able to, I'd certainly love to play around with gameplay based on Pistachio's dual nature!

Sometime soon we'll probably give the third jinn the same treatment as the first two, so look forward to that! :D

That's it for today, if windows works out alright, I'll be back tomorrow with videos and gifs of Zap and Andy updates. For now, I'll leave you with some Azhar concept art of the main character's forms that I'm not sure has ever been shared.

Have a good day everyone, and stay safe! :D


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