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Hey guys! The archives have gotten some new toys for you to play with!

You can now read books and watch tapes. Since this is the archives of a nude resort, most of them are gonna be horny, of course.

The books seem to hint at things to come...

And the tapes are mainly there for your viewing pleasure.

I've also added to the notes and inventory for this section.

I'm gonna focus more on Zap and Andy with the Tuesday update, so get ready for more bad ends, horny devils, and chubby bikers!

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe! :D



There appears to be an infinite loop when looking (magnifying glass icon) at the archive entrance ("In front of you is an extremely ornate marble doorway [...]")


Ahh dang, made a typo with the exit code. Thanks for catching that, it's been fixed and the build's been updated!