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Hey folks! Got an orc game update for ya!

Some work has been added to the city giving you more horny interactions.

There's plenty of sex at the park, of course. (Don't be afraid to check an area multiple times, you never know what'll change!)

There's also sex pretty much everywhere else in this town, they're orcs! 

Horny orcs that will probably reward you handsomely if you help them...

There's also a shop, with a few common adventuring tools to be purchased.

Also some not so common adventuring tools.

In addition to the city are the tunnels that lead to an ancient orc temple.

You can get there via a few places still open, like the bar, but it won't be simple.

You might get distracted by the gloryholes and the drinking games at the bar! :V

The drinking game has a level of randomness to it, so your challenge could earn you some cash, or leave you completely plastered.

Once you get to the temple beneath the bar though, you're not home free.

There are puzzles that when solved incorrectly leave you worse for wear.

Of course, if you're the right race, (like in this case, minotaur) the traps won't harm you.

A lot of the temple is reused ideas from the proposed Trial of Manhood twine game a while ago, so when you get this game, you get the stuff from that idea as well.

The temple actually has its own theme song as well, I'll attach that to today's post for you guys. This one has a bit off a more mysterious edge to it, since you're dealing with some ancient magic here.

Okay, that's it for today. I'll be back on Wednesday for a build of the game for you guys to play!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! :D


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