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Hey folks, while I've been waiting for the rest of the assets, I redid some of the inventory coding as well as some of the coding for Andy's whiskey.

Inventory spacing has been changed to accommodate a large number of items, and you also can no longer swap characters with the inventory open, which caused some issues during testing.

Andy's whiskey has a fancy new inventory sprite, and now with that added in all items in the demo are 100% complete.

I'm glad I managed to get an update out to you guys, my internet has been extremely iffy lately thanks to the lockdown. While I have it available, I wanna go over what is in the demo.

The demo is all of Zap and Andy up to the first major plot twist, it can accurately be considered Zap and Andy part one. Rather than just playing a single section, you're playing everything before a big gameplay change. We actually joked a few times that our demo is the size of some full indie titles!

When we first decided to do a demo for this game, it was originally just gonna be the tutorial section, which is done in about 10-15 minutes. We agreed though that a tutorial doesn't really give someone the full scope of what the game is gonna be like, so we decided to extend it to the second section of the game, the motel. We didn't know it at the time, but the motel would add over an hour of additional gameplay, thanks to it actually being multiple locations and having a lot of plot to go over.

I'm still satisfied with the decision we made, but holy hell it was a learning experience for all of us.

Now about future updates.

At this point, there's nothing new left for me to code in the demo but fixes, inserting assets, and tweaking events, so the content of updates will be directly based on what I receive from the other people working on Zap and Andy, be it text, music, graphics, or bug reports. 

So from my end, it'll be short periods of waiting followed by big chunks of work, lol

Thanks for supporting me guys, it means a lot, especially during a time like this. I hope you're all doing well during this stressful pandemic, and I'll see you on Tuesday with whatever the others give me.  

Have a great weekend! :D


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