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Okay guys, here's the release plan for next month!

1. I'm gonna roll out a new 5$ and 10$ tier, people have been asking me about this, and based on the poll reception is pretty positive, so I wanna get this in as soon as possible!

5$ High Roller Hearts: You will be in the credits of each game I produce on my own, and you'll get access to the suggestion box, where once a month I pick someone's idea and work with them to make a twine game/story/other doodad that brings their idea to life.

10$ Diamond Dudes: This tier is for people who wanna support just a little bit more! Diamond dudes have the option of putting three different ideas in the suggestion box each month! (Or three of the same idea if you really like it a lot :V )

2. The Trials of Manhood

A patreon exclusive twine game with four different endings! Join a human reporter in his attempt to figure out why so many men who visit an orc city disappear! Unfortunately for him, no one in power will spill the beans until he passes the "Trials of Manhood". All adult orcs have to do this they swear.

Will he make it through the trials? What awaits him on the other side?

It's all up to you! (There'll be plenty of choices but please be gentle with the poor bastard)

Thanks for joining me on this ride, I look forward to giving you guys more stuff in the future! :D


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