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We've been working hard, and have some more progress on Zap and Andy's adventure! The opening is almost complete!

Zap leaves hell to go to Earth, where he can actually get laid! What does he spot on his way there?

Just Andy doing what Andy does. They don't call em horny devils for nothin.

Lookin a little red there Zap.

Looks like he got a little too excited and...


t...they're okay right?

...they've been better. Well, when you die, there's only a few places you can go...

Boy Zap can't go five minutes without getting everyone into trouble. :V

This is just one of the lewd cutscenes in the game, there's gonna be plenty of raunch! :D

We're working hard to have a demo with the entire first scenario playable out the door by the end of the summer, I hope you guys look forward to it!



I like the style and humor. How many people working on it? Who draws them?


Blazingcheeks is the primary artist, with me and Anothermeekone providing backup when needed. I'm the programmer, Meek is the writer, and all three of us work together to make the game's events. We all have distinct styles, so you can kinda tell who had the most control over what part. Except if theres cigars or big men. All three of us like those. ;P


I am so hyped for this dude! I can't wait can't wait can't wait! Especially if it looks as funny and hot as this X3