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As part of the game's development (currently titled Self-Destruct) I'm working on a few mock ups and graphs that will go into a design document! (That design document will undoubtedly find its way here) This image in particular is a mockup of what the game would look like, a 2D platforming brawler with emphasis on taking down specific enemies to move on.

The pink figure is our hero Jack, currently not feeling so well. Must be all those arms and legs he doesnt have.

The blue figure is an enemy. They probably arent dangerous up there, but you can never be too careful.

The stuff in the bottom left is your number of lives. Jack is a little nervous about only having three...

The stuff on the top left is your life bar, your status (Jack is currently wasted, oops), and the three corruption bars! The corruption bars partially determine your ending, and it looks like they're heavily leaning towards red or "carnal" denoted by a tongue.

What do you think, would this get in your way? Would you move anything? Let me know! Should anything be changed? If you say yes, what should be changed?


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