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While in the Devil Boys Playground, time will pass in increments of an hour every time you take a major action. Talking to people, walking around, making exchanges at the casino, and swapping characters or items don't cause time to pass. Because the trio goes to bed at 3AM (meaning you take your last action of the day at 2) and they start walking around at noon, this leaves you with 14 actions to take a day, or 42 total major actions, since the trio's adventure takes place over a weekend stay.

All the people and places in the park have a different schedule. Each time you play, assuming you took the same actions, they would do the same thing. This means in additional playthroughs you would know what to expect, though most events happen over a period of several hours so you have the wiggle room to do a lot in a single play.

When you interact with something in the park, it's very likely that character's morality is going to go down. (The park is made to turn unassuming men into horny booze drinking cigar smoking dumb bastards.) Since each of these fellas is different, their morality is affected differently, with the rule abiding jock Kurt being the most vulnerable to hypnosis and trances, the clean living nerd Bucky being the most vulnerable to vices, and the horny punk Damien is the most vulnerable to sexual temptations. Once a character's morality hits 0, they become unavailable for the rest of the playthrough. If all three hit 0, they decide to stay at the park forever! You will most likely have to lose morality to progress at points, so pay attention to how zonked your fellas are!

What do you think? Does this seem like a good adventure, or do you think it'll turn out to be too hectic to enjoy? Let me know if you have any comments or questions!



It seems very clear to me, but with 42 major actions and 3 characters to swap, that's 126 possible events? And multiple endings to boot! And would there be an overarching plot if, say, one or two of the men are taken out of the playthrough in the first day?


There's an overarching plot, but how the characters interact with it is determined by you, it's entirely possible to do an entire playthrough without actually learning the mysteries of the park! Additionally at the end of each night, the guys would get together in their hotel room and have a chat, but if you only have one guy left, that part of the story would be skipped. This game is admittedly extremely experimental, but once it's done I'll have a LOT of experience doing a lot of different things under my belt.


I see! I hope it works out well for you, and that seems to be a pretty efficient way of doing it. Another question--can more than one guy get zonked by the same thing, or would you cordon off areas? And if you don't cordon off areas, would there be special events for the characters reuniting while corrupt?


If it isn't a time based event, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to get two guys zonked by the same thing. Also that is a great idea, I never considered having the player be able to meet the character they lost, a good opportunity for kink material!