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Gaining 50 lbs in 2 months changes you. Your body cannot physically keep up. Your lungs, knees, and feet feel the effects fast.

Starting with the lungs, I’m always out of breath. Walking has become a chore. I often have to hide how out of breath I am after walking a short distance. Coworkers have asked, “did you just run here?”. Close friends hear me breathing heavily at all times. Sometimes, just sitting there leaves me short of breath.

My knees and feet are constantly struggling. Even my foot insoles for the obese struggle to provide enough comfort for standing long periods. Going to the mall has gone from a casual pleasure to a task. I’m constantly trying to find the most efficient route on-foot. Going to the store, I determine the things I need and how few steps to get there. Admittedly, late at night I opt for the scooter. Anything to provide immediate relief. When I plan a trip, I dread the airport and physical parts of hauling luggage, for that leaves me winded for a while.

Recovering from excursions takes a bit. After the store, I sit for a couple hours and recover my feet, eat and drink, and mindlessly watch TV.

These restrictions would bother normal people and prompt them to heavily consider weight loss options. But to a gainer; these are just realities of life existing as a fat person.


Kekoa B

You forgot to mention stopping for a snack while shopping. Most stores have an in-house Cafe where you can relax for a few minutes, take a load off your feet and have a snack.

Alex Hoya

This is a real insight and really nice. Keep sharing these.


Keep it up you're doing great work 🤤🤤🤤