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Wow guys, I cannot believe I hit 250 lbs. I feel so incredible. The last few months, I’ve been eating and eating nonstop. Something clicked in my brain, and I’m just ravenous, bottomless, and gluttonous.

My belly and fat pad have grown to such a size they bounce when I walk as well as my double chin and tits. Even my elbows have fat building up on them. My watch band, I’ve had to loosen a few notches. Everywhere is getting filled with fat, including my fingers.

I’ve gotten so lazy. I walk half the steps I did 6 months ago. And less every day. Just from how heavy I’ve become so fast. My body has such a strong urge to just.. sit. I feel like a pile of lard when I sit in a chair now.

I told myself I’d stop at 250 to adjust but all I want is more. I have to keep going, gaining is the best decision I’ve ever made.



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