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Well, I finally finished the doc and wrote my rundown of everything. Please read it and tell me what you think. I'm very nervous and anxious about this one, but as soon as a few people give thumbs up I'm going to start recording it.


We Don't Talk About Dan Schneider



Are you fucking kidding me? This video wasnt important because it's important to talk about how the culture of hollywood and TV enables abuse, or tell the story of the cast and crew who were harmed, but because you think a character from a long over TV show might be a stand-in for an abuser? Are you crazy? This is literally pathetic Quentin, your videos are usually good but you publishing this just makes the rest of the Icarly series look so bad.


I'm really incredibly grateful that this series exists. If only because it gave one of my favorite creators a substantial boost. Also am i insane or is that final music thingy Harlequin from homestuck


Hey I think you wildly misinterpreted what Quinton was trying to say. His point in that particular part, to me at least, seems like a commentary on Dan Schneider’s relationships with the kids on set and how they came to be. It’s not about the significance of Spencer as a character, it’s a connection being made that explains a lot about Quinton’s perspective on him as a person. This talking point also branches off into more points he makes during this segment so I’m wondering if you stopped watching right when Quinton started talking about Spencer being a stand-in to comment this.


Everyone who thinks the Spencer reveal needed more build up needs to rewatch this from the beginning. I was in the same boat but upon rewatch there are many moments that make it very clear this was always the path we were on. I kind of wish I had written down these moments in my current rewatch because the foreshadowing is painfully beautiful. Every single mention of Head of The Class makes your stomach turn a little. Personally, I didn’t even register the show as something mentioned in the miniseries until this was posted and I started my rewatch. And doesn’t that make my stomach hurt a little bit more. I’m on the Scandal right now and the way my heart fell into my stomach when I got to the part about the third spin off. Knowing what I know now about HoTC has left me feeling entirely hollowed out. Quinton, this is truly a masterpiece of this medium. I tip my beret and theatre studies degree at you. this was peak dramaturgical analysis spread over 24 hours of content. but also like, dude I still feel sick from the latest We Don’t Talk foreshadowing punch to the gut. I can’t imagine having this be your main work for so long, I hope you’re finding ways to give yourself moments of peace when you can. Anyway I’m really glad Patreon exists because a few bucks a month is totally worth it to go on a stoned rant to content creators I think are neat.


You probably don't remember, but I'm a commenter who never watched any of these shows but was a fan of Jennette McCurdy from her online appearances. This is a topic I was looking forward to seeing you cover, if wary. I was optimistic towards you specifically though, since a lot of former fans of the shows seem to have watched your other videos, and the average take on Dan Schneider has certainly been...well you covered it. Maybe some of them could approach the topic with more nuance if they were introduced to it. It's an indirectly personal topic to me, but with how serious it is, it's SO frustrating to see how people treat it. I'm very relieved and happy to say that I enjoyed this. In fact, you mirrored so many of my thoughts around it, and I especially empathize with the experience of explaining "Dan Schneider is a fall guy" being met with "oh so you're saying he's innocent?" from people who know less about the topic than I do. I'm getting increasingly tired of the anti-intellectualism and personal absolution involved in "death of the author" because that's easier than addressing the root issues. It's weird to say with a topic this heavy and serious, but this made me feel a little better on a bad mental health day. Like no matter how many bad takes there are out there, that's the trap of doomscrolling, and there are plenty of people who can address things with sense. I can't fix the situation in Hollywood or corruption in the world or even some parts of my own life, but there are kind and articulate people who understand it, and I just want to thank you.


I do appreciate you talking about that there is a larger systemic problem with Hollywood that people kind of want to ignore with finding a a convenient scapegoat. Like Dan Schneider is a horrible person but he was allowed to flourish because of a lot of people in power and the already toxic environment. The culpability that people want to attribute to just Schneider is ridiculous. He did a lot of things that are terrible but also isn't the only one to blame. I appreciate the tact you had with speaking on this topic.