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Here are the alternative versions of the original, final version of February's Sketch of the Month winning piece. Also the wip gif I managed to put together showing off the working flow.

I added captions here for the pictures so the (freakin tiny) differences are noted here too.
Full resolution of the alts are already available at my GoogleDrive folder for Tier3 patrons.

As mentioned in the first post, I went back to work more on this piece before calling it finished. I'm talking of adding details onto the krogan's arm while looking at references. Before that improvement, as you can see in the gif, the lower arm looked pretty basic.... Not like the focus would be on that particular part of the picture, but still.. I think it looks better with the extra touches. xd
I somehow managed to hold back myself and use a minimal number of colours. So the work is mostly consist of different shades of gray, yellow, pink and purple. Maybe there's some oranges aswell thanks to the layer effects. I like this style for a pic too. B)


3 0 - just Tali (without face, no keyboard)
3 1 - just Tali (without face and with heart boxed speech)
3 2 - plugged Tali (without face, with blush and heart clouds)
3 3 - plugged Tali (without face, no keyboard and with heart clouds)
3 4 - plugged Tali (without face, no keyboard, blushing and with heart clouds)
3 5 - plugged Tali (without keyboard, blushing and with heart clouds)
3 6 - plugged Tali (without keyboard and with heart clouds)
3 7 - plugged Tali (blushing and with heart clouds)
3 8 - plugged Tali (with heart boxed text, Hah text, blushing and with heart clouds)
3 9 - just Tali (with face)
3 10 - just Tali (with face, without keyboard)
3 11 - just Tali (with face, white suit pattern and without keyboard)
3 12 - just Tali (without face, white suit pattern and without keyboard)
3 13 - plugged Tali (without face, no keyboard, with heart boxed speech and heart clouds)
3 14 - plugged Tali (with face and heart clouds)
4 1 - ready for the ride (without face, with heart boxed speech)
4 2 - ready for the ride (without face, with blush)
4 3 - ready for the ride (with face and blushing)
4 4 - ready for the ride (with face and heart boxed speech, no blushing)
4 5 - ready for the ride (with face)


Apathy Gremlin

I think you did a great job, it's cool when an artist can make a masked character look so passionate and you manage that really well Gorgeous posing too, and you made great use of the limited colour palette


I'd say not only the limited colours made the time I worked on the actual drawing shorter, but it also made it pretty fun. The different shades are good for separating the layers to show distance too. Glad to hear I did well with her face. I was not sure, and also didn't feel like I'd want to change nor delete it. xd Thank you! c:


Damn, Tali looks good.