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This project was inspired by and based on a tweet of a 3D animation I've seen back in the day.
At first I saw it at a roleplaying twitter account, but thanks to the watermark on it I was able to find the original tweet. This is the said tweet if you'd like to check it: link

I saw the rp tweet through phone at first and cuz of the smaller screen and the lower quality, I didn't see clearly what was happening there. I thought the character enjoying the dong had a weird hairdo. Later when I did my search for the source of the content, turns out that that thing was also the bigger character's hand over the smaller's head.. And here I thought I was adding some unique touch to the scene of this with Venom's hand on the head there.. xd At least Gwen's touching the dong was certainly my addition to the story.
- For the hands I needed some references so I took some pictures of my own arm and hand that I used as helpful material for this work.

- At first I wanted to draw Gwen's hand touching the joystick showing that she's obviously into this. The idea of adding lipstick marks on Venom came after while I was deep in the work. I tried how it looked and decided to keep it. (In the 4th gif, you can see that at first I drew blue lipstick marks on Venom, then in the next frame I adjusted the colours accordingly to the scene.)

- Another thing that can be said that it was based on the source material is the liquid drop on the shoulder and the leaking from the tip. Originally I wasn't planning to add these details, but then got convinced by some chattings with baguette, and seeing how it looks convinced me to let it stay. This way we can say that Venom really needs to control himself to stay put and don't make some harsh movements while Gwen's taking her sweet time with him down there.. :]c

Now to talk about the gif files in this post:

The First gif:
As mentioned earlier, I've worked on this project for 3 months. Made it's folder at 2023 October 5th, started working on it at October 9th, kept taking breaks and coming-backs for a while, then finally at December 22nd I was able to finish the picture version, then on the 26th I managed to save out a gif file of the animation.
- Sometimes to be safe and be able to go back to a certain stage of the workflow, I create new artfiles of my projects. This had 4 files and to see the differences I saved out screenshots of a few parts.
3 pictures were saved out and that's what can be seen in the very first gif on this post.
In the first frame, I started to adjust the colours, the 2nd stage is when I went back to work on it more (changed the colours, changed Gwen's arm, etc), in the final stage you can see that I've added a tongue to Gwen and the steam clouds.

The Second gif:
I saved this gif out just because it was a bigger version than the rest (or bigger than the full one). The first 2 stages is about some lineart changes in the dick design. Then it shows the differences in looks of a full black dong and that reddish one.
- The other reason for this gif to exist is to show off that red headed version too (and in bigger resolution).

The Third gif:
This gif showcases how I kept trying to make a design for the dong. The most noticable thing is how either I tried to add some veins, or show off the muscle placements. I needed to change the details of the lineart a lot cuz an overly detailed dick would've looked too off from the rest of the character's body. Furthermore the details wouldn't have showed up anyways cuz of it's dark base colour.
- As mentioned before, I also tried to increase the size and width of this weapon, but then had to reduce it cuz I didn't want to hide the nice torso and body details behind it that much.
- The final lineart design for the dong is when Venom's hand shows up on the side and has a pink/reddish line on the left side of it. That's the design that's also present in the final picture.
- Thinking of the fact that Venom has a shape shifting ability, made me realise that it doesn't really matter how I design this cock of his, cuz I can change it in future arts. This fact also ensured me that making the pulsating motion all over the member is still valid.

The Fourth gif:
This shows all the wip screenshots I've taken of the project. I'm sorry about the small resolution of this, but this is how I was looking at my work and was making sure it doesn't look bad. This way the changes are more noticable for me when checking new and old screenshots. Mistakes and errors can be seen more easily this way aswell.
- This is indeed a long gif with over 100 frames to show how this project was getting build up.
- You can see in the gif how I kept trying to go back to give the dong a reddish head. I did this twice in the gif before leaving it out.

The animation versions for this were made in After Effects.
- That program allows me to make smooth changes and movements. It's been a while since I've last used this program, so I had to look at a few tutorials to get to what I was trying to do. Especially when I tried to actually save my work into a file that would make it showcase-able. That took me 1 day to do. I was also letting some pent-up steam out at my discord, whining about my struggles and thankfully I got some useful help from there. Thanks Amador. :]
So guys, if ya wanna change a gif file's speed or anything else about it, go to the website "ezgif". I had to change the speed of my file to +955% to get the phase I was looking for. xD Altho I only used that website once, cuz I analised the gif from there and managed to save out my gifs from photoshop in just the right speed as I wanted to (also this way the image quality stayed the same).

I'm planning to do more animations in the future. Like I've said before, project #100, which was supposed to be my First animation with SpiderGwen and Venom (instead of this) is also gonna be a gif when I get to it. And the more animations I do, the better I can get with making these. It needs a different kind of approach in the workflow, but it's definitely worth it in the end.
Project #105 is also gonna be an animation when I get to it, altho that's gonna have a bunch of stuff that needs to move there.. Good thing I did this project before that.. xd

  I think that is all I wanted to tell about this project.
It was good to work on this, altho trying to find the right colours wasn't that fun in the end. It was overwhelming a bit. The small details were pain to settle down with (damn you, my perfectionist trait >:v ). But I'm glad I've finished this and was able to show it. It tells a nice story, that's for sure. :)c
Thank you for reading and for your attention! 💋




👀👀👀🥵🥵🥵 gahd dayum!!!


xD (I know what reaction gif you are refering to if you wanted to do that x'd )