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The voters keep twisting the end result for these events, man. I was expecting a different outcome again, not gonna lie. But here's how the competition ended for November's poll:

- On the 3rd place we got something I thought would win, but Tier 2 and 3 sinners thought otherwise: the Female Xenomorph ended on the 3rd platform with 2 votes.
- The 2nd place is for a comeback character on the list of nominees: Rachnera Arachnera got 3 votes.
- Then once again, Tier 3 sinners have changed the outcome: Our winner is Kamen Rider Jeanne with 5 votes for this month! ๐Ÿ†

I'm not kidding, I believed I could just do the female xenomorph sketch even before the voting period is over and I'd already have my winner sketch for the event.. Welp, maybe next time. xd
I also added a random character onto the list, namely "Warden (from For Honor)". That knight character received one vote and Thank you whoever voted on that. c':

About the winner's sketch:

Does this look weird? Yes.
Did I use an irl reference pic for this? Also yes...
so this just makes it... more weird.. xd ...or maybe I should stop selecting the most ridiculous poses to practice on.. yea.. that..

- Also let me make this clear that I don't know anything about this character, and even while checking Google for reference images, -you won't believe it- there were freakin ai generated pics of this character too, and I only noticed it after a time.. After that I was carefully selecting the images to study for details.. So I hope I mostly nailed her design at least.
- The background was the last thing I added. I remembered a tweet of an artist I follow and kinda followed that "tutorial" or "study"... altho I haven't quite understood it yet (as in why that would be so cool and all). Basically is to have opposite brightness of colours next to each other for different contrasts and that would make the picture "not boring"(?). It's this tweet if you wanna check it yourself: Link . I don't think I did it similar to that method with this piece.. or maybe this tip is for paintings and not for works with linearts, idk..
- I was about to only show the picture with darker background, but ended making more. So the very first picture is the original, the next is one with Photoshop's Auto Tone effect. Then the next has a plain bright background and even the figure has a different base colour. First one of that is the original look, the next is with Auto Color effect. All those effects seem to increase the blues overall on the image.
- I saw a few pics where she was using some knife-fans, I included those for extra details. At first both were opened, then I found if I make the upper one closed, it kinda makes the picture look better.

Hope she came out well. c:


December's Sketch of the Month:

Next month is going to be the Anniversary Month for these competition events, so for that, I've planned to make it different than any other month in the year.

- I'm going to make the announcement post public on Patreon. Meaning everyone registered on the site should be able to see it and comment. I have a bunch of "followers" here according to the system, so I'm guessing they should get an email about my post.
- By making it public, I plan to allow everyone to nominate one character. Be aware that if you sinners comment, that's gonna be seen by anyone on the net (saying this, just so you know).
- I'm not expecting it, but it can happen that the post will get a bunch of comments, so I'll plan to select a few if it's too overwhelming (and maybe delete some if needed to be). I think patrons' nominees will have a higher chance to be listed, obviously, but the odds can make it as that I could get some interesting ideas from outside aswell... So who knows..
- As for the polls; there'll be THREE.... xd
I thought the first poll will be available to ALL patrons, so everyone can vote once. The second poll will be up for Tier 2 and Tier 3, and they'll be able to multi-vote. Lastly, the third poll's going to be for Tier 3 for another multi-vote chance. Obviously, there's gonna be a bit of chaos for the number of votes, on the other hand, I'm also curious how this'll go.

Basically these are the things I've planned for December's event (I might change a few things in the end if needed tho). I've already written the post for this, and plan to launch it around Dec 4. (...I also already have the Top3 chart pic ready for this, but that's another thing xd)
I don't know if I'll announce this on my other websites, btw... Maybe if there won't be that many nominees, then I'll do so.

Also a little explanation if you don't know how is this gonna be an anniversary event when the next is only gonna be the "10th round" and not the "12th"; I did held the first in 2022 December, but because this was the first, I drew all the nominees, which required 5 takes. That took me too much time, and only announced the 2nd round later, in April.
Since then,  every month had it's own sketchy winner. Thanks to You guys. Cuz these champions could get a sketch by me, Thanks to Your support, ideas and most importantly, cuz of Your votes!
Hope to see your ideas next month too! c:



Competition results
1 - with dark background (Original)
2 - with dark background (with Auto Tone effect)
3 - with bright background (Original)
4 - with bright background (with Auto Color effect)



Oh my god! XD I honestly thought the xeno was a shoe in as well! Imagine my surprise when I opened this notif this morning. For what itโ€™s worth, despite your complications in grabbing refs, you did a fantastic job with this drawing. Bravo ^^

Apathy Gremlin

*really* nice colours, and I just love her pose


phew, I'm glad to hear that about the pose๐Ÿ’ฆ and Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š xd


Happy to hear for your surprise! ๐Ÿ˜Š I'm glad you like it and thank you for your kind words! c: Sometimes I didn't like the ref's look that much, I wanted to skip some details, then after a while I noticed it was some ai generated image, so that explained why it looked off from the other pictures.. :'d