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I thought people would go for the bdsm gear suit- I mean, the Fallout4 super soldier suit.. yes, that.. xd

So I am once again, surprised by the outcome.
I was thinking adding another character to the list to have more than 3 to vote for, but I was also curious how this'd go when all the characters get onto the top 3 chart pic. Next time if there's so few nominees, I'll add some randoms I guess.

Here's the summary:
- For the 3rd place we got the bdsm suit from Fallout4 which's actually just called "Marine wetsuit" according to the wikipedia. This got 2 votes.
- In the 2nd place we got Nadeshiko (Kamen Rider) with 4 votes.
- And with a really tight win, Lae'zel (Baldur's Gate3) got to the top, with 5 votes, winning this month's sketchy chance! ๐Ÿ†

Sooo, idk how good or accurate this sketch is, but I kinda enjoyed making this.
Altho it gave me a bit of a difficult time regarding how those strings of her underwear look from this perspective, also it was hard to find references of Lae'zel's spotty pattern on her body (... then I checked out that one 3D nsfw model sharing website and could find some useful reference pics... xd).
I'm kinda satisfied with the results nonetheless. I'm really liking the rimlight on her coming from the right side. She's looking down btw, but while working on this I rotated the pic and found this angle more appealing so that's why it might look weird. I included the original aka "not rotated" version too. As well as, there are some alt versions where she has a normal eyeball and her cat-like pupil in it. I prefer the simple lined eye, because with the normal eye version, she looks more calming for me. xd

Also idk if you can tell, but I was trying out other brushes in my tool-arsenal on this project.... Which was a bit troublesome when I've lost a brush and tried to find it again... xD Happened when I was working on her hair.
So yea, her lienart was made with a pencil brush, which is nothing new, but that background sketches, the light source on the right side and her hair were made with different brushes.

Originally I wanted to give her a grumpy expression to be in character, but as I was adding her features, her make-up, lips, war-paint and spots... idk it kinda faded away? I kinda have a bit of a hard time seeing that on her.. or maybe it's just the fact I've been looking at this for hours.. I still could have gone on fixing this sketch from it's flaws, but I knew I shouldn't do that cuz of the purpose of this sketch as being... flawed and sketchy. Still it's kinda cool, in my opinion.

- So at first you can see variations of the drawing I was working on, while having the canvas rotated with 45ยฐ, which I plan to use when I publish this.
- Then the 6th image is of a photoshop edit, when I used "auto color" effect on the picture. Thought it looked cool, so I kept it.
- The last 4 pictures are of how the image should have looked in the first place.
- Then I have 10 more images to show off as alternatives for Tier2 and Tier3 patrons, which are basically "naked" versions.. without the actual nips and genitalia, of course. So it's just pictures without the bdsm underwear, showing some abs and lineart versions. Said post can be checked: Here. 

As much as I wanted to make an "Artist's pick", I had to skip on that cuz I wanted to/was focusing on my own old projects.
I hope you guys like the result anyway and your votes were worth it. c:

Next month is October, sinners, The Spooky month! โœจ ๐Ÿ‘€
Hope I can cook up some nice treat(s?) for you with your list of nominees! >:3
(I scheduled an announcement post for the 5th and will be open till the 8th, if any of you wanna get prepared.)


Sketch of the Month - Round 7 results
1 1 - Without light (+ ps contrast edit)
1 2 - With light (+ ps contrast edit)
1 3 - With normal eyes and light
1 4 - With normal eyes
2 - Added photoshop effect (auto color)
3 1 - Not rotated - Without light (+ ps contrast edit)
3 2 - Not rotated - With light (+ ps contrast edit)
3 3 - Not rotated - With normal eyes and light
3 4 - Not rotated - With normal eyes



Pleasantly surprised at how close my nominee was. Congrats to the ultimate winner though ^^