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I didn't document the full processes of this project, dunno why, maybe I was too into the making and didn't think about pausing for a few seconds. But I occasionally made some wip pics to see where I am heading with the drawing and I actually saved some of those. The results can be seen above.

- The first gif is of the changes of the whole picture. As you can see I didn't took wip pics while working on the characters, but rather after (seen in the 2nd gif).
- So in the 2nd file, I showed that... how the pool toys or decorations were evolving. xd Altho it's not much, it shows the already basic coloured figure, then fully shaded with shadows and lights, then as the last step, it shows how it got some waterwaves for the bottom parts of em.

- The 3rd picture shows some of the test stages while I was working on Venom. I strictly used Yellow or Orange colour for the light in this drawing, so it would have more summer vibes. But, in my opinion, that doesn't look very well on Venom. So I had to work on him and adjust colours until I got something I'm okay with. I could have given him blue-ish colours, but as said before, this was meant to be a summer related picture.
In the first panel, I made the light less intense, but that would have tell that it's not that sunny there. In the 2nd panel I increased the amount of light touches on him, but to be honest, I found this too much, eventho on Deadpool, this continous light line on his arm looked good. I guess Venom is just more muscular and would need more lines for the same style.. I kept this kind of colouring in a separated layer thinking if I'd go back to it. Thus I could include the last 2 panels, where in the 3rd, this same layer is transparent a bit, and in the 4th, Venom got the wet lines over him like in the final version. Thought I'd share this for the looks.

- The 4th submission is of a saved screenshot I did of Venom when I was about to colour him. Here I was filling up the character with the base colour.
- 5th and 6th picture was also an experiment that happened at the very begining, when I was working on Gwen. I was trying to shape out her eyes/lenses. The 5th picture shows the version I kept. The 6th was good too, but I found some similarities with my previous drawing, when I drew Mayday, and the fact that she was looking to the side a bit made me think I just keep drawing the same faces. So to have some variety, I tried again, and that's how I ended with the final version. The center of the face is more in the front this way, not that rotated to the right side. Maybe this way she looks more dived into the feeling of enjoying the water and her chilling/cooling time, while simply looking up.

- And lastly, the 7th and 8th images are alternatives where I show off how this set would look like if I were to use that Lemon patterned swim ring I did at first for Deadpool. 🍋
Personally I find this too blue at that part with this, maybe if I used a different kind of blue it would have looked better, idk. But in the end, I find the orange version better. 🍊

For Gwen's swim ring, I was looking at this for reference:

For Venom's donut pattern, I was checking out this photo, which was also the pose reference for Deadpool:

For Deadpool's I was looking at this at first, but as said before, I didn't like the colours that much, and with some adjusting, the orange version was born:

For the splashing effect caused by Gwen, I was checking out this nice picture I found on google:

The idea for the flamingo cupholder was inspired by my visit at a shop called "Butlers":

And I couldn't find my Spideyball to get some irl references, then I found an old photo I took in the turkish market where I saw em:

There was a lot put into this picture, I could still go on a bit with it. xd
Hope I covered up the things I wanted to.
Thanks for reading and hope ya like the sharings!


4 - The colouring stage start of Venom
1 - wip gif
2 - wip gif of only the pool decorations
3 - experiments with the light on Venom
5 - Early Lineart of Gwen
6 - Early Lineart of Gwen test (I was experimenting with an alternative look for her lenses)
7 - Deadpool with the lemon patterned swim ring (shirtless)
8 - Deadpool with the lemon patterned swim ring (suited up)



Wow I'm impressed with how much went into this piece, I kinda feel like I take your art for granted and don't realize how much work you put in to em, oh, I forgot to mention this before but I love the inclusion of Gwen's anklet 👌 personal kryptonite of mine 🤫


I always need some kind of reason and meaning built in my artworks to make it worthwhile for me to work on them (which also pushes me to do it). The more I add, the more life-like they'll become too (and obviously, the more work they'll require to finish xd). It's been a while since I've had such project under the works and I definitely enjoyed this. I also studied a couple of things thanks to this, cuz I've never done a picture similar before (like how to colour the water, make a splashing effect and such). But yea, if ya start drawing yourself aswell, you'll truly see how much work these things require.. xd and gonna appreciate all the work for sure B] (also, I'm glad you like my tiny personal touch in this xD)