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It's time to summarize last year in smutbase art!✨
Just like every year since 2017, the first or last pic I create is a meme-wheel of selected artworks of mine, made in each month of that specific year. Then I talk about 'em a bit, summarizing how the year went.
Let's continue that lil' tradition.

Here are previous years' art summary wheel posts at Patreon if someone wanna check it out:
> 2017 < , > 2018 < , > 2019 < , > 2020 < , > 2021 < and > 2022 <.

- Eventho I ended 2022 December with a promise, I could only deliver it next year AND continue such event multiple times this year. Yes, I am talking about the "Sketch of the Month" nominations and polls which were a success thanks to my patrons, you guys. All those lil sketches of different characters were chosen and could be possible cuz of you sinners. It was interesting to see whom you guys nominated and how the poll results were shaping out, surprising me multiple times.
- Then I also got a ringlight-phonestand combo set, which was a big gear-improvement for creating more nice suit pics and all.. Not to mention the colourful lights it produces! 🪩✨ owo
- And then there were more wips created throughout the year that haven't been finished.. So overall I'd say this year was about sketches rather than clear, polished out artworks.

Now let's go through each month's featured take:

  • Jan: Ah, this lovely one is from The First Sketch of the Month round of nominees, project #104,  my first drawing of Wisp, a character that was a love-at-first-sight of mine. c: Also it was the first finished drawing in 2023. I really enjoyed making this one. ♡ Patreon set | Pixiv set | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Feb: Still from the first round of nominees, this was another surprise sketch; Warmonger from For Honor. My 2nd take of making a fanart of this game and still wanna make more. Patreon set | Pixiv set | HF | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Mar: Ohoho, this was a fun and hot one for sure (was made for the symbiote group project #96). It was good to draw Venom again, and first time drawing him this revealing, almost full-bodied. Patreon set | Pixiv set | HF | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Apr: A wip pic of a random future comic idea, set to be under project #109. Patreon post
  • May: This month was griefing for me, I've lost a close loved one. After a few days past, drawings didn't feel good, my body and soul was still mourning. This wip sketch was made before those sorrowful days (project #112).
  • June: a wip pic of project #105. Was still affected by my recent loss, but working on this, I felt it was healing me and gave back the joy of creation. I was able to draw and create again, thanks to this project.
  • July: Oh, this drawing was the result of the 5th Sketch of the Month in project #114. After a longing comment on my discord, I decided to go back and do this sketch as an "Artist's pick". And it was a fine thing to do, cuz the result is just so pleasing for the eyes. The progress was also streamed at my discord server. Patreon post | Pixiv set | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Aug: Another Sketch of the Month (round 6) piece got featured that became more than just a sketch, filled with artistic desires to experience, and showing more than one character. Project #116 came out to be a delightful artwork to my soul. Love the blues and all the pretty colours there. Patreon post | Pixiv | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Sep: A random reaction sketch got to be placed for this month. Patreon post | Pixiv | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Oct: Practice sketches that finally broke my silence in my public socials as my 420th tweet, eventho this wasn't planned to be it. Love that lil part I zoomed onto here. Patreon post | Pixiv | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Nov: Another piece created to heal my soul cuz how a tv series ended a beloved character of mine. My kinkbiote here's enjoying some delicious donut. Patreon post | Pixiv | Newgrounds | twitter
  • Dec: Tried to finish project #105 this month to make it another 2023's artwork, but failed to do so. I planned to break the silence with this piece (instead of the artwork done for October), also make it as an animation, but this still needs more work and gonna be something for the new year, hopefully.

Now that I got wrapped up the year and look at this wheel, I'm surprised how many times I picked Venom to show up .. and here I was thinking I haven't drawn him enough.. xd
Also interesting to notice how in this wheel; there are more warm coloured picks stored (mostly with red) and in 2022 the summary wheel had more blues in it.. hmm..

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Oh, and there's a SECOND picture here too, so lemme talk about that (so there's no need for a new post):

While working on the actual Art Summary meme wheel, I had this idea: I have a sketch/pic for every month cuz of this newly adapted habit... So I thought, why not doing a wheel dedicated to that? I guess there's a new yearly summary thing then. :D

Funny how I find this more colourful than the actual Art Summary wheel I did.. xd The first 3 months are lacking content cuz there were no events held during that time. The first 2 pictures are from the first event's nomination part (and every character got a sketch back then as the first time thing). Here are the winners in order:

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this became a long post.. guess there were lotsa things to wrap up for the past 365 days. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶✿)

For 2024:
- In the year of 2023 according to my excel table, I've finished 29(!) projects, but 20 out of this was "Sketch of the Month" artworks. Hm.. In the new year I'll try to lower the quality of these or at least spend less time on them, so I'll be able to finish my own lil projects. Cuz I'm kinda missing my lil stories with Gwen and Venom and some warframe meme stuffs, ya know..
- Also, I've been pretty close to start working on commissions. In 2024 I'm definitely going to be opened for that. First I'll have to go through a couple of peeps that are on my waitinglist, then I'll be able to offer my artistic skills into creating services to others. My price sheet is almost ready, just needs a few finishing details. Active patrons will get discounts depending on the tier they are on and for how long they've been supporting me.
- With the income I get, I'm hoping to upgrade my cosplay options. I'm aiming to get a quarian helmet and hopefully have fun with it. 8) Hopefully.. maybe.. maybe.. 🙏
- Also in 2024 we're getting that Fallout series that I'm super duper excited about... I bet I'll be making more ghoul arts, so sorry about that in advance if you're not in for that, but... xd It's good therapy for me to draw ghouls, not gonna lie. :3c 2024's might be the year for ghoulfuckers, finally. ✨😎
These are just a few things I'd like to go towards to. But this is Life, so maybe my plans get screwed all over.. :'d

Thank you for sticking around or checking in my Patreon page; bless all of you for your generous support that means I could and can continue producing artworks to showcase to you and others in the world! Also whoever commented and/or liked my posts here or in the public area, I especially thank you for keeping me mentally inspired and be motivated to continue!
I hope you enjoyed the content so far and will love to see the new ones aswell! c:

🎉 I wish you all sinners an awesome & glorious 2024! 💪✨🎉
See you guys there! 🍾🥂🤘😎✨




I'm digging this art wheel, interesting way to show off all of your work, which by the way you've had quite the busy year! Congrats, I wish you the best for next year too! ^w^