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I really liked the idea of an "Among us drip" that was mentioned as a nominee for the 2nd Sketch of the Month event. I saw ideas in my head for it, then after some sketching, I suddenly started working on that, and here we are. xd

I didn't have a clear vision for what poses I wanna draw, I had slight ideas for that. I definitely knew I wanted to draw both female and male versions.
I looked up some references, started sketching aaaand, idk how but I started adding some bondage gear on em and I let my hand do it's thing. xd Guess I wanted to add more and more details on the sketch and this was a way to do it. I worked on the guy first, then when I was moving onto the chick, I looked up some bondage gear in my reference folder just to continue "the vibes", ha.
So it might not be like that "Goku Drip" meme, as I was kinda going for, it's more spicey than that. B]

The difference between the 2 pics is focused on the chick's visor. The first has a bigger bottom line than the 2nd. The 2nd pic was the original, but idk, I think I'll stick to the first pic to publish it, it kinda adds more details to the visor and fits more for the derpy looks of the chibi, original looks of the crew members, so it's more familiar to that.

The jackets have a few repeating words, mostly consisting of "sus" and the written heart symbol as: " <3 ". Also a lil amongus figure shows up: the female crew member has it 4 times, the male has is twice.
Both characters have a few other words hidden in their jackets. The woman has these:
- a heart symbol next to her collarbone on the right side.
- "succ" written on her arm on the right, and at the bottom right part.
- "sex" is also at the bottom right.

The guy has these:
- a heart on the left side of his collarbone.
- "BDSM" written at the bottom right part, the first letter got cut off a bit.
- "sex" written on the right arm, above an amongus figure, the last letter got cut off.
- he has an amongus figure with a heart shaped visor on the left, next to his tittie.
- I wanted to write "fucker among us" on him, which is right next to the previously said amongus figure, but it got written out as "fucker | sus <3 | among | us" if it's read from top to bottom.

The guy wears a collar that can function as a leash's collar. The leash is in the chick's hand next to the guy, right next to his "bdsm" writting. Such weird coincidences, eh? :]

I was kinda in trouble how to colour the characters, I couldn't leave em in the same colour, altho I liked it in white (originally both were the same colour as the guy). But switching the woman to black, brings out her details more, and guess it just fits her bdsm look better this way. But then I didn't know how to colour the guy. I tried a few, but I thought leaving it as white, as it was, was a better choice for the drawing so it has fewer colours in it. Also fits the "sketchy" style more.

I'm kinda satisfied with this. It has some flaws, but I drew it in such a tired body state, guess I was also in a mindset where it didn't bother me that much. It's still okay, cuz I wanted it to be a sketch anyways.

While working on it I was also trying to figure out the story for this scene. I had a few ideas and haven't settled down with the right one yet.
- I was thinking maybe both of em are impostors and the viewer just got stuck with em in a room with barely any light or the lights were just turned off.
- Then my next idea was just questioning like "they can't be impostors right? they don't look like this...(?)" or maybe that's just an undiscovered info atm.
- My next idea was that maybe the whole crew looks like this xD Or maybe just these 2 are that kinky and don't want ya to push the red button/alert the others (?)... or they are inviting you for some activities.
So many ideas... when I should be sleeping instead.. xd

Oh also, this is just a fast, random design idea for em. I didn't overthink it, especially the head part. I tried to look for some examples, only looked at one r34 website for that, and it's just a mess (meaning the gallery is mixed with other fandoms). So I didn't see any designs that would tickle my interest and they were mostly just chibi-like.... So yea, if I ever draw something like this again, idk if I'll be using this same look or not. I kinda tried to make the male and female's visor shape to be different at least a bit, and adding some pattern lines on their head too, as well as on their bodies.

I think it turned out cool. B]
Hope you guys like it too. Thank you for the idea!

[P.S.: if this text was weird to read, it's because I wrote it right after finishing the sketch, meaning it was in the morning..]


a bit smaller visor line at the bottom for the chick
a bit bigger visor for the chick


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