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The very first Sketch of the Month polls concluded and I'm finally able to post the winning sketch (and it's variants)!
A total 17 votes were given throughout the 2 polls, Thank you for everybody who participated!
Funny how all 5 nominees could get on the top 3 podium;
- Wisp and Warmonger both got 2-2 votes making 'em step on the 3rd place.
- Then FemGhost and Black Spidey got 3-3 votes earning the 2nd place.
- And our Number 1 character's got to be Valkyr with overall of 7 votes. 🏆

I've started to work on this while still in time, in 2022 December. And yet, I couldn't finish it in said month. Why? I bet you would not guess why it was getting avoided.. xd

The *real* reason was the hands (...I was also sick  during the whole freakin month). But Those DaMn FReakiNg hands. My weakness. I was trying to avoid it for so long. I even drew other stuff first and finished that before this (gonna show it soon, I hope). AND even when writting this post in advance, after I "finished" this Valkyr drawing, I hecking noticed I MESSED UP THE HANDS. Switched up the fucking finger order. AAAAAAAAAAA :@ [she had 2 right hands prior fixing... xd]

So anyway, since this was the winner of the very first poll like this, I thought I'd make this one a nsfw sketch.
I used an irl photo for the pose, so even if it looks weird, it is strangely accurate. (I guess the camera and the chick was staged up for the vag shot.)... I've made some changes to it, so it's not the exact same. Like in the photo, there's no hand visible, then in my sketch, the upper torso shows up more, the head is rotated and the curves are different too. Furthermore, I used a model in SFM to help me figure out the details of the character.
I went a bit crazy with the spikey collar at the back, that's not so accurate, but I like it so left it like that.
Ohyea, I was also thinking drawing the default helmet, cuz it wasn't specified which look should be used, altho the comment mentioned "bad cat Valkyr", and the Bastet helmet looks better for this setting, so I settled with this version in the end.

I've made multiple variants once again, couldn't decide which blush I should go with for the final version, and to not waste more time I show them all anyways. I'll choose one later when it gets published (hopefully I'll be able to do it then xd).
- So there're 3 blushing versions, and one without blush,
- then one alternative where there's some gradient colour at the bottom part. I didn't want to use this cuz it's suppose to be a sketch, but included in the showcase cuz why not.
- Then I tried out photoshop's "auto tone" feature which gave a whole new colour range look for the sketch, and I'm including those 2 too in the list.

If it wasn't clear what's happening in the pic I'll describe it a lil then:
Mostly using one hand, Valkyr's fingering herself with her right hand, and she's checking out her left hand that also got some juices on. Spreading her pointy and middle finger, the fluid creates some stretchy sticky lines which she's observing.
Added blush lines cuz next to that amount of wetness, there should be some higher blood pressure and heat for her, thus the little steam clouds were added aswell.

Personally, idk if the blush should be there, like if it fits the style and pic or not... I know some people gonna appreaciate it anyways tho. xd
I really like the auto-tuned versions too btw, I most likely gonna use that feature again later.
Hope you guys like how it turned out!

I'll have to skip this month's (2023 Jan) poll sketch, I'm preparing for some surprise, I might need to skip Feb too, but we'll see how it goes. Tbh, the results suprised me a bit, thought wisp would get lots of votes (she got the very first vote when the poll started).
I definitely wanna do such poll again in the future, so expect more in coming times!✨


wanted to make this as a derp summary pic, and then I really enjoyed creating it.
1 - no blush
2 - blush1
3 - blush2
4 - blush3
5 - gradient
6 - gradient + blush1
7 - gradient + blush3
8 - auto tuned1
9 - auto tuned1 + blush1
10 - auto tuned2
11 - auto tuned2 + blush1



A big kitty tending to her smaller kitty ~<3 Always love seeing Valkitty get some love. And for all the struggling they caused, the hands turned out great. Great job!