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... I should continue numbering my projects/drawings normally again... xd
but didn't want to make +1 number for this lil thing.

This was inspired by 2 comments I got on my latest cosplay twitter post:

It was a challange cuz of the angle I came up with in my head.. Used sfm for a bit, after I couldn't find any useful Venom drawings where he'd be looking up and the angle would be from under in a bit sided viewpoint looking up to him. Looks like everyone likes to picture Venom in a way where he's about to attack from under, so the view is above him in those pics, not under.
Not to mention my struggle to draw buffed man titties from the same angle... xd No luck for reference in that, so I used sfm again  ̶M̶r̶ ̶X̶'̶s̶ ̶m̶o̶d̶e̶l̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶h̶o̶p̶ ̶h̶a̶

I kinda like how Venom came out here, but prefer his look more when the pic is standing. So there's that alt version (...in more versions too xd). I wanted to finish this in september, but only managed to finish the sketch part when the new month has started.
Funny thing is, according to the 3D reference, Gwen would need to spread her legs wider to be able to stand like that xd The model I used for her has her legs inside that Venom model. So there's some cheating in the art (as in... we don't see mistakes here (a)). I thought I'd make her standing on him with one leg on him, to bend the knee a bit so I wouldn't hide Venom's head and neck details much, but figured that would be a worse case. That's also why I've made the versions without such censoring of his figure.

I'm not sure if Venom should only say "sit." here. I thought it's really short, that's almost hiding in the picture cuz of it's small size of detail. "Sit down" in this case would be too long maybe. Then again, it's Venom, so as an alien, I guess he can say it like that (so it's not rude or demanding or.... I mean.. I don't mind if some find it "demanding" hah xd).

Storywise, I realised this could be the prequel of an old comic of mine, which was also inspired by a message I got from tumblr back in the day, which is this:

This was project #25 if someone wanna check the 2 posts of it on patreon: link
So this was just a little related connection I suddenly thought of.

About the files:
Sorry about the long list of dumping the same file over and over again with minor changes, but I thought some might like other things better than what I decide to be the final piece I chose to be published in the end.
I put a caption to every pic out of the 20 submissions here.
So I made the original, laying versions, and mirrored em, I found the one (the first) where Venom's head is on the left side fitting more the situation. Like you see him first, then see the little text and then Gwen. Or Gwen as the 2nd thing and the text later. I just think on this one Venom looks better.
I also made standing versions cuz I liked how he came out, mirrored again, of course (this time choosing is a bit more difficult xd). I also added some usual "angry wrinkle" to him, that adds more detail. Which is surprisingly, in my opinion, looks better in the standing versions, but on the laying alts, it's not fitting there. Regardless, I decided to put everything up into this post so at least it can be shown.

I plan to only publish the very first picture and have the others as an exclusive to patrons. I might publish one standing version somewhere (pixiv or tumblr, cuz those websites fit for such dumpings and it actually looks good there).

And to end this post lemme add some insider comments right after I showed a wip (dialogue included hah) to the baguette:

oh, also
I thought of adding a little heart here somewhere, but at the end I didn't even try to. I don't think it would have been good anywhere here. Not on the text bubble, near the text, nor around Venom's head (?).
So in the end, I left that out, I think the pic has a more serious vibe without it, a more "I ain't playin' "-kinda vibe. (and guess that's why it's more triggering in a way? hah)

tiny note regarding this post: this is the 101th "done" tagged post, and the 117th "Venom" one. c:

I like how simple the style is here, I like these kind of arts too.
Hope ya guys like it aswell!
Thanks for reading! 🧁



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