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Preston's getting tired of your kinkyshit alien fetish, General.. I mean-

The folder that contains the files of this project was created back in Nov 2018. So yea, it took me a while, but holy, the end result looks better than I imagined it could be (it looks really nice on my drawing tablet at least... xd).
This was a challange to draw, and the colouring, maybe that was even more challenging. I had basic ideas what I wanna make, I wanted to have a full-black shadow/silhouette on the left part of the pic of that alien that's getting some helping hands and... le succ. ',:)
I wanted to make this look simple, but caught in the mood and kept working on the details. I only used mostly blue, didn't want to give the picture too much colours and make it too crowded with different shades. Limiting the colours like this can result in a nice, "calm" drawing. Especially with the colour blue.
At first I wanted to work with orange and maybe blue, but in the end, the blue colour proved to be more fitting. I wanted to have the 2nd coloured light coming from the side, but that would have been too much for the pic, and for me regarding in work.

I was not thinking of any clothes for Tali in the first place while working on this. At the end of working on the lineart made me realise that she's totally naked. I wanted to add some unique clothing for her, like I did in all my previous works with her. Her pose made it difficult for me to come up with anything nice. After a failed dress attempt, I started to work on some bodychain for her, that came out well for the pic, I think. It gives some tasty exotic sci-fi touch to the pic, other than only having just aliens there.

I did intent to make the xeno-cum pure white and have some kind of light to it. I wanted to add some between Tali's thighs too, but that part is not that visible or big enough for so many details next to the wet lines.
I also wanted a different dong design for the xenomorph (different from my first try), and somehow while sketching, it just happened. I couldn't make the other alien's joystick to appear in the pic, so I only hint it it's there with the shadows. Ya know, where the light is blocked in the middle of his torso.. ,':)
I was working with the help of a 3d/sfm pic, and it had shadows around the chest part of his, while making the shadow I figured out it's because the dick model that blocks the light.. so I went with this thought that I found a "funny" detail of the pic. B]

At first I was not planning to make indications that Tali just SUCKED DOWN A HUGE DICK.. but oh, it happened. ',:]
Basically I was imagining the alien got some hand- and/or titjob, thus the wet lines in the middle of her chest/between her boobs.
I was not planning to make her blush, I tried to make it, but couldn't make it right, so this's a more serious kind of pic, without the blushes.
I kinda wanted to play with the thought that, since Tali is an alien, she might have a long tongue, but couldn't explore that idea here. (maybe later?)
Don't ask me if she could deepthroat that thing. I let the art-appreciater decide that. B)

Maybe this art could have come out better, or not, idk how to improve it and I think it's in decent state. I hope the essential details are visible, it is kinda meant to be dark and barely seen in a way. I'll come back to it, if I get some warnings about it.
(I once had to stop working on this cuz of the sunlight was in my way of seeing the drawing. x'd)

Oh yea, I was happy to go back to Preston (from Fallout4) to make a teaser pic like I did in the past. xD
Yes, he has some tears of fear and some sweat drops aswell. And he's kinda tired of his curious General. Got his picture from google images and altered it, and added the small facial expression details.

This was meant to be a Surprise Birthday Gift, and it is sure a surprise now that it's freakin late, ha.
The multiple variations are going to stay as a Patreon exclusive, I only intended to publish like the one with the eyes and without it versions... maybe one without the cum too, cuz it looks nice.

The very First Preston pic is the original size, last one is smaller, it's the one I plan to publish.
Alts and where they changed:
1 - original
2 - with lowered eyebrow for Tali (I find it more kinky in the first one) and no wetness at the alien's crotch behind (I went back to add the wetness as the very last step while editing in photoshop, so this pic is the real original at that part)
3 - Only glowing eyes for Tali (thought I share it how it looks)
4 - my try at making Tali blushing, but only the faceless looks good imo
5 - faceless Tali
6 - faceless Tali and no cum
7 - blushing faceless Tali and no cum
8 - no cum
9 - no cum and no bodychain
10 - no bodychain
11 - no bodychain and blushing faceless Tali
12 - no bodychain and faceless Tali
13 - no bodychain, no cum, faceless Tali
14 - no bodychain, no cum, raised eyebrow (basically the same as the 9th)
15 - This one has Tali's thicker outlines removed, so she has thinner outline here. Also no cum, no bodychain and faceless

Hope you like it!




But can she deepthroat it tho? >:D Looks great, and definitely better late than never lol


She has the will, she might have the skills aswell. B] Thank you, I'm glad I could finally make this happen. Appreciate the comment too!🌼 :>


Hot damn the crossover I didn't know I needed until now, thanks a bunch!