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This is the first picture out of the 2 that I've planned making as a continuation for project #73. This time Venom joins in the "taking a selfie" theme, but he does it while both him and Gwen is in sight of the camera.

I've came up with the idea for this project while thinking about a tweet format, where the text is seperated in a way that there's only text above the 2 pics that's in the tweet. Example:

I plan to do the same with this, altho the 2nd picture is still needed to be done. Till then, this's going to be a patreon exclusive picture.
When it's time to publish, I plan to share this, the first picture on my sfw twitter account, and only this, cuz the 2nd part's going to be nsfw.
So the said tweet format's gonna happen on my nsfw account a bit later (and I've need to find or figure out how to tweet like that first ha xd).

I've started working on this early this year, the first SFM poses were done in 2021 March (so even before I've finished the whole #73 project). Then I've started to sketch this drawing based on my sfm reference in October.
Because of the angle and anatomy, I've indeed had struggles and times where I was confused what I'm looking at. xd Also I find it a bit weird that I haven't found any irl photos in the same pose as Venom that could have been useful to me. Funny, while watching the 2nd movie, there were some scenes that could have been helpful tho, heh. xd

After settling with the lineart, I didn't have any plans how I wanted to colour this. There were times I saw some drawings or had ideas, but I forgot them when I was about to sit down and continue my work.

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Speaking of colouring, I streamed my workflow of this at my discord server for patrons in "the Stalker" tier and above! 

- Patrons in "the Stalker" tier get to see random colouring streams from now on, and cuz it's pure spoiler stuff this can be seen in a private channel.
- The Patreon-bot is in charge to give out roles for entrance (if anyone's missing this role despite being in the 2nd or 3rd tier, please contact me, or the baguette mod in the server).
- Whenever I'm about to stream, I'll ping the role with additional text what the stream is about. I've streamed 3 times while working on this drawing.
- Streams are also silent, everyone's muted so my focus won't get disturbed much while working (and I can't even play music there for some reason, but maybe that's for the better, idk xd). There's also an additional channel for texts and chit-chats about the stream.
- I would also like to mention and ask, to keep my surprises as surprises, meaning the seen and read things there should stay there, aka VIP content should stay as exclusive VIP content until I publish them.

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Now to talk about this actual drawing more:
I might edit it later. Maybe the colouring, or cropping a bit, I'm not even sure about the blur effect if it's good there or it's taking away too much attention from the rest (or simply interfere in the view?). Or maybe I'm just over-exaggurating again, idk. xd

Atm idk what I can do with this to improve it more.
I've posted 2 versions, one blured (as I had in mind I'd do) and one non-blured.
Also 2 sizes, I think I'll publish the smaller version, and have the bigger here as a plus. I like the smaller cuz it shows the picture as a whole, and no need to zoom out to see it fully. Well, that's just my opinion about it regarding the resolution tho..

I'm not sure about the colouring as in, I really liked the sketch where Venom's face had clear lines and features. With these colours they are barely seen imo.. or maybe I'll just roll how it looks in the end.
Also I wanted to make his tongue not that wet, cuz... well in reality you can stick out your own tongue without dosens of saliva on it. But as I was working on it, god it was so good to see it like that (almost like sparkling, I guess??) xd So yea, I tried to make it not dribbling in saliva, but still having some.. idk if this amount is in the middle for quantity and all.. xd

I've already posed a reference for the second part of this btw, so it's just a matter of time when it'll be done. I plan to re-use this same picture in part 2, cuz the phone will be visible and this's gonna be on it's screen.

EDIT: also added the teaser pic for this.
Twitter post: here



General Amador

This was amazing to watch. The little things added to each layer all coming together for one amazing picture. I can’t wait to see more in the future. 😁