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Made this posing reference in sfm a few days ago after checking an artist on Pixiv; I've got inspired by their work.

I've realised I haven't really gone making lewd arts for a while now, so I guess it's time to live up to my artist name and all that hehe.
Said artwork that inspired me can be found here: link It's the 11th picture in the set, but here's a screenshot of it if someone doesn't have an account there (you can check +18 stuff there with an account only):

Artist's twitter page is: here
I recommend their other works cuz they make and made really nice, well-drawn and hot size-difference lewd artworks and even comics!

So anyways, seeing this inspired me that I wanna make something similar too.
I mirrored the setting, cuz I'm planning to make something similar in the future (a comic thing, maybe), where the characters are on the left side of the picture, and I don't want to make the same combination and all that multiple times.

- For this project, I plan to hide/set Venom's dick behind Gwen's head and have her hood folded on it a bit, like it's getting pushed towards her from the side.
- Of course, I plan making Gwen sweating a lot and blushing aswell. One of her hands will rest on Venom's thigh, and for the other hand, I haven't decided what should that be doing. I thought either having it in front of her mouth like she's astounded/gasping or having it on her neck, getting her mask folded up to get ready for some.... yea. OR simply her other hand won't be shown. xd
- I imagine this is happening on a side of a glassed tower in the city.
- I thought it would be nighttime setting and the light source would be from behind Gwen, so through the glass wall. I wanna have a lot of dark and shadowy area on this, so it would be mysterious a bit but still revealing enough to know and show what's going on.
- I haven't figured out how to call this, so far I think this is like "Venom can't/won't wait for that "till we get home" line"... or something xd
- I also haven't decided whether I should make Venom just simply grinning there or having his tongue out a bit too. 🤔

So yea, I planned to make a nsfw piece next eitherway, but I can't seem to picture it right yet, and since I got struck by inspiration to make this, I did not want to stop myself to make the basics. xd
Going to need to check lotsa anatomy pics and studies when I'll be working on this.
Shared my early thoughts on this project, but those may change along the way. Hopefully it'll be a nice pic. 8]



General Amador

Just reading what you have planned I’m already wanting to see how it’s gonna look because it sounds exquisite. 🤤😇