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I've been sitting above this for quite a while now, cuz I just can't decide the dialogue for this. xd

So I thought I post the art and if I settle with something else, I'll just edit it later. This'll be a patreon exclusive for a while anyways - until I make the prelude comic for all of this.
In the said comic, Gwen's going to hand over Venom's phone saying she found it. Under project #73 are the results of her "finding" the phone, just like this pic shows. This'll be the closing picture for this whole set.

In the pic Venom wanted to ask about the new note on his phone, but Gwen interrupts him responding immediately, or more like answering.
It would be easier to write the text in my own language, cuz I understand it more, but in english, I'm confused and having a hard time finding the best fitting, striking, one-worded response for her that would be still just implying of her doing(, yet not ashamed of it ha).
At first I thought of just writting "Maybe.", but idk, maybe there's a more suitable word there..
After consulting with a friend, the list of ideas for that position got longer:
- Maybe.
- Did I?
- Yes.
- Nope.
Honestly, I haven't thought about the simple "Yes." as a reply before xD I was too focused on the fact that I'd use an answer that wouldn't give a clear denying nor admitting answer (so the questioner would still be confused, ha).
So... I'll try to make a choice, before posting this publicly.. xd

I tried to make this pic look simple, and still worked on it so much.. xd
- Added the same pillows onto the bed that appear in the 3rd drawing of this set aswell: the yellow and green pillow, and the bodypillow (turned around, so the pattern doesn't show).
- Added the same blanket under Gwen that also appears in the same drawing as mentioned before, that has some tiny hearts pattern. After trying how the pattern looks here, I found it nice for the pic (after all, I avoided to add a heart next to Gwen as an expression, this addition kinda replaced that need, ha xd).
- Thought the bed is might be a one-time design look cuz... well.. yea. So it doesn't really matter to me if it looks "easily breakable" xd
- I indeed moved Venom's pointing and middle finger to the right side a bit, like I've said in the previous post. It looks okay to me now. Also drew a part of his neck muscle visible at the top, it's more natural this way than it was before.
- At first I tried how the dialogue would look with actual texts, tried the same font type I used in my first Khora×Stalker pic, but didn't really like it that much, nor with different fonts. The current look was achieved after my 3rd try in handwritting. Handwritting gives a special kind of nice charm to a drawing, in my opinion. Haven't tried to make that for the phone's screen tho.
- The phone's screen was made in Photoshop, then scaled and distorted to it's place. That note app's background design was inspired by the app I have on my android phone. It's just the icon for it, and I couldn't even find a reference pic on google (must be cuz I don't usually upgrade my os, I guess). Here's the cropped screenshot of the icon:

-  Tried to make a phone design that can't be identified with any big brands out there. So it's just a random look for it. (not sure about the smiley face at the top of it, but.. ohwell xd)
It might not be visible that much, but the phone still has it's green colour case design at the side, next tho Venom's thumb.
- The picture has some transparent Gaussian Blur touch to it, at the bottom part of the bed, and on the pillows behind Gwen (on the left side). It's not that visible, but I kept it anyways.
- Wasn't sure what to make as a background or what colour to choose for a background. Then I tried to make something similar to the previous pics. Didn't want to make it look too detailed so the focus would still be on the text, on the characters and on Gwen. Altho, adding the bed frame and more pillows, made the pic more cozy imo.
- Gwen has motion lines at both sides around her butt. The reference I used was a gif where the woman was swaying hers side-to-side, that's what I tried to showcase in a still pic here too.
- Venom's speech bubble is slightly darker than Gwen's (which is pure white). This must be the tiniest detail on the pic, I guess xd
- Ahyes, the phone's screen, under the title, there's a square in front of Gwen's name, that normally needs to be clicked/tapped on, to appear as ticked, aka-..... yea... xd



General Amador

My goodness just reading what you did to get to this end piece is amazing. I mean there was some details I wouldn’t have caught had I not read what you did. It’s mind blowing but also helps to understand your mindset while draw out something. Oh and I forgot to mention, I LOVE IT!!! It is so cute and innocent even though we know what’s gonna happen. 😅 great job as always. 😄


So lovely ♥ usually in venom comics the black text bubble and white text are used I wish I could see more updates from them, say take all my money I love your drawings and their interactions


Hehe, Thank you. c: Yeah, I could have go on with the writting about using 3D references aswell. I appreciate your appreciation for my long text post btw. xd


Yes, I've thought about using the dark speech bubble with white text combo, but the picture has a more bright and colourful theme, I thought if I add a black part at the top section of the drawing, the contrast would ruin it, or at least would be bothering for the whole look of the picture. Maybe next time, it'll fit for the pic. I'll be working on more pictures with them, I'm in the mood for it now. xd I'm glad you like it, Thank you! :>