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Excuse me if I repeat myself in this post, hopefully this'll be the last post regarding this project.

The wip gif above does not show the real pics at the end, due to the limit of the colours in the gif (it can't show all the variations in the light rays so it's not that magnificent).

Before using Khora in blender, this was my set-up as helpful references while colouring her. Found the folder in SAI with these pics in it when I came back working on this, so the actual drawing in the middle is the finished piece without the shading, chains, streams and background. So mostly with basic colours (plus the energy effects).

I've also found a list of things I wanted to add at the begining of this workflow, which was useful not to forget some tiny details and try out others to see how they look. Only the 4th point, the 💢 symbol is what I left out, didn't even try to add it. Thought the sweat, shaking movements and the streaming would be enough of emotions to express by Stalker. Altho it might have fit to place one around his arm, but didn't feel that much of importance for it.

I usually draw one heart and if I don't like it, just erase it and do another, and so on. After a time I've made a bunch of hearts instead and marked the ones I've found fitting for the pic. In the end, I went with the one that's filled, just to have another variation between this and my previous works that has a heart shown.

I've really enjoyed this part tbh, when I was making Stalker's red marks on his helmet.
The first pic was the very first wip I've made of this part of the process then stopped at the 2nd cuz I realised it's might be too busy, too much. And since the picture was meant to be further from his head, I've decided to go back to the first wip's state, which shows a simplier look for him. I kept on checking the sfm reference while working on this.
Also at first I planned that the back part of his head, that spike, would be broken through the glass window, that's why that part wasn't finished for long. I later thought that this detail won't fit cuz of the sequel, where he'll have his head tilted upwards a bit (in the nsfw pic). So I cheated a bit here and made his spike there like nothing happened, and made some glass cracks around it showing it still made an impact.

While adjusting this drawing in photoshop, some flaws of the Painttool SAI's blur brush has been enhanced while adding more contrast to the pic. This results in pixelated lines that I don't know how to solve and/or avoid. Maybe the program can't produce that much colours to make the blending and gradient smooth. Showed some examples to a friend while telling them I have to go over the picture again after photoshop to fix it:

This mostly occured while using BIG canvas with big brushes, but I bet that doesn't really matter in this case. Had this problem before aswell in my previous pics:

in this case the picture is darker at the bottom and gets lighter upwards, so the lines here are horizontal. Didn't make the pic that intense so I'd avoid make it worse in this aspect.

The lines are visible all over if you look closely and I didn't put arrows everywhere, just onto the most noticable parts.
One of my artist friends used the expression that it gets "aliased" but he didn't even know what caused it nor how to avoid it. So I still gotta ask around about this..

As for ending this post lemme show a pic that showed my friend that this file was indeed named as "ara ara stalker × khora":



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