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More than a year ago I got a question for a "female Carnage" at CuriousCat and I kept thinking of some design details for the character.
The begining of the month I got myself sketching, thinking I'd just sketch down the ideas, for later use and reference or just to see how it looks. In the end I ended up with a fine design(, in my opinion). xd

I wanted to make her unique but still look alike to Carnage, like I did with my FemVenom.
I kept checking pictures of Carnage, but I still haven't figured out the system of his pattern (is it random? or the black lines move with the muscle flow?? HOW DOES IT WORK???). So I tried to make a mess for her pattern (like on Carnage xd), but still trying to make it look simple, so I can draw it fast and easy when I draw her again. As a result, I don't think she looks like Carnage at all xd Only if the colours are red.. it's more like a symbiote oc.
After showing the first sketch to Baguette and talking about ideas and details of her, he just called her my kinkbiote x'D

I came back to work on her design later, made some sfm posing to have a full body reference and just work on her look with the help of that, so I only need to worry about how the actual pattern and her design will turn out. That's how those other pictures were created.
I'm still planning to change her design, adding more spikes on her back and maybe around other parts, and haven't come up with a pattern for her back part yet (just made something fast there for the sake of the pic).

[ I'mma write more later here xd
Lemme just say, I love her, I have no name for her yet, but I do know she loves donuts. 🍩
Also the last pic was born while trying to figure out where to put my signature xd]



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