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Felt like drawing down one short moment from my first gameplay experience with the game Among Us.
It happened quickly and still, I felt so many emotions, so many thoughts ran through my head, it was a rollercoaster. So it was a bit difficult how can I picture that into a comic, but I managed it. xd
I've also learnt again, that using photoshop for scaling down things, sharpens the picture; like it gains more details and features.. damn I love it xd

It happened on the first map, at the corridor under Electrical. I was heading towards Storage when the door there shut in front of me. Turned around and went towards Lower Engine, but the door there was also closed, so I went back and if I recall right, it was getting darker, meaning the lights were sabotaged aswell. I was so into doing my tasks during the game, did not even care for the "killer among us" part. xd So I was confused what was happening, or more like I was "...what now?". After a few paniked turn-arounds, I just stood there looking towards Electrical, then "Revi" appeared, coming from that room. For a slight moment I felt relieved for a friendly face, but since he was still coming towards me, my instincts were tingling that something's wrong and then I held back my breath hoping I was wrong... but then I saw my character getting stabbed in the back by him.. xD

The making:
I was looking at my screenshots for references. Pretty sure Revi did not look like this when this happened, but I asked for a pic of his character to be accurate.
At first I used pencil brush and went on sketchy mode, but later I mixed it with normal brush for stronger lines. The 2nd page's lineart remained sketchy (pencil brush'd) for better visual representation of the paniking state I had then (making turning around movements quickly).
I had troubles making the first panel showing the 2 sided door suddenly closing, google didn't help me with that. So I added a comic styled "SLAM" effect text, to make it obvious.
The normal looking astronaut in the background at the last panel of the 2nd page was intentional, at first I went with a normal looking character for the Impostor while making the next page, but changed my mind to avoid pointing complaints. xd On the same panel, when my character looks towards the reader, it was a bit confusing for me, cuz the shading of the visor is... is like that somewhy on official pics.. so... ohwell.
3rd page's last panel has the "You are already dead." meme reference in japanese. At first I was thinking just making a :D smiley into that speech bubble, but changed my mind after that idea came. Added a smiley into the visor/glass part of the character for some evilish expression foreshadowing the inevitable. xd
I think my fav part in the comic is the 4th page, that "mosaic pixaleted" censore effect over the dead body. Luckily didn't have to search for it so much, I barely knew how to look after it at first tho xd Photoshop has a filter effect like that, so I could make it fast.
Showing the progress to Baguette, he commented it looks like Revi's son (Revi named him "Revi DeVito" xd) did the murder and I rolled with the idea, especially cuz the whistle bubble and the text next to Revi was making that part of the panel too crowded. Seperating them, like the son was whistling, made the panel more balanced with the amount of details there.
My character was suppose to say "what??" again after the first panel, but got cut of by the realisation that it got murdered, so later it has to deal with the short term of disbelief xd

Tbh I'm not sure if the body was reported right away by Revi or someone else.. but he did self-reported once for sure. Rolled with the self-report option for the additional texts in the last panel, which sounds more like some I would say.. especially the "rip :/ " part. xd

On the last day working on this, I was thinking making the frames have some gradient according to the darker parts of the story for more impact (and so the white frame wouldn't bother while looking at the actual pics?). Baguette suggested to make the frames white again on the last page where my character became a ghost, cuz ghosts can see the whole map without visible restrictions and cuz of the change in the story (that skipped the actual killing part. The situation is still understandable with the body later shown).

I enjoyed making this, the characters have simple designs and the process was mostly fast. It was also good for practise- oh, of course I made a "sweetbase" signature cuz I just can't add "smutbase" here xd
I was planning to use this signature on a different pic for the first time, but that needs to be drawn before that hah..
I also enjoyed making the expressions in the last page. Have the vibe of my style and I find em funny too. Hope I wrote down everything about this..

I'm not planning to make more drawings of this game btw, but who knows..






I don't know who is this baguette man, but damn that's a lil genius.

General Amador

I don’t know why but this made me laugh. 😂
