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I'm really close on finishing this project but dunno if I can be done with it before next month so I'm posting this wip just in case.

This project was a request n' collab with Foab30, provided with a sfm picture of a pose reference.  He was really nice asking about my limits I'm comfortable with regarding of drawing some things. Basically asking about anal and cum from it, I've said I'm okay with it until it's a sea-cum or something "too much" like that. Then he literally gave me free hands over the project.
I've tried to make the scene like it was in a neon theme kinda room, so added the pink and blue lights from each sides. At the begining I had troubles getting the right pink colour for the picture. Then the biggest problem for me that holded me back from working on this, was figuring out how the cum drops should look like. I couldn't really find any useful tutorials or references for what I've wanted to achieve. I might still find it "not enought"?

Anyways the reason why this's not a complete picture is I'm still trying to make the vagina part look wet, but somehow the lineart, the colours, the layer effects just make a big mess that won't make it clear what you're looking at. An artist friend of mine also suggested to make the wet parts around the fingers a bit blurry at the top, so it would look like it's soaked in a bit, like the fluid has weight. Also need to add eyes under that helmet, requested by Foab. I think I also need to adjust some colours further on this.

I'm planning to make a naked version too, which hopefully won't take much work cuz of the layer structure (the dress has it's own folder).

I've also did this lil meme to relief a bit from my anxiety xd



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