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This's probably gonna be my last update of this project, this time showing some wip gifs and other inside infos.

I collected the wips I took during the making, mostly did screenshots of the Equinox Prime's process.
The first gif is of Saryn, I thought I'd go for a simple look, but looking at equinox and how many colours I put on her... guess I failed on that part xd We can say it's of a different room with more lights and stuff anyways..

...isn't it funny how I'm writting this post and I realised I missed some colouring on equinox?.. NEVERMIND xd
SO the 3rd pic is of all the reference pics I used while working on Equinox Prime. Rotated some just to figure out how the lines would look like in the way I need em. I also recorded the model while rotating it around just to be sure how she looks at some parts. I used the colours of one of my Equinox Prime's colour scheme btw. I find it sweet.

Also I've made a screenshot of the animation's set up in sony vegas and a lil explanation for it:



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