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Hi guys, I am finding it very difficult to function right now because of what happened. I know it's going to take me some time to get over it, but I know I have to keep going for you, my friends and supporters. Thank you for those of you whom have reached out to me in this difficult time and gave me words of encouragement to keep going. I deeply appreciate it. Thank you very much.

As said by a fellow Patreon WhiteflameK and I quote, “If you are reading this post on the scraper website, I ask you to be the better person and discontinue using it. Patreon is my only means of income right now, and creating Art brings me a lot of joy to do. It does so for most other creators here on Patreon as well.

Certainly, there are a few artists that make a lot and won't really feel any losses as a result of a little art theft. But there are many individuals who are barely scraping by, and Here on Patreon is the first bit of hope we have for being able to be professional artists.

So, if you are a caring individual, and you've read this far, please support some artist today. It doesn't matter whom. Just find someone to help, preferably someone who is struggling to start out and is undergoing all those doubts and fears that may make them quit tomorrow.” End quote.

Please think twice and help someone.

Thank you.




What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I trust you will overcome this.

Adam Johnson

Theft is never easy to get over. Having something you created get stolen is even worse. I hope you can get the site shutdown.

Jeff Smith

I am so sad that you and other Patreon artists are going through this awful situation. It's awful whenever anyone's intellectual or creative property is stolen, and my heart goes out to all of you. Your fans will continue to remain loyal to you.