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Due to some recommendations from friends and wanting to separate this story from my other works, this chapter has been modified to be a little lighter-hearted but still just as much fun <3 <3 <3.  Hope you guys enjoy!!!!!!



I really liked both versions. I guess it's a question of how forceful and dominant you want your magic pussy to be? The stakes and risk of a generally unpleasant experience for Stephanie seem a lot higher in the darker version. In the lighter version, I'm not expecting much more than for Stephanie to end up much worse than naked and orgasmic in public. In the darker version, though, I wouldn't put it past that pussy to threaten anything. "You can either wear this 2-inch thick butt plug during your job interview, or else I might just make you suddenly piss like a racehorse during that interview. I'm warning you; I can be a real serious bitch if I don't get what I want. Your choice, sweetie!" Looking forward to reading more, whichever direction it goes!

Alyson Ricci

Very very true. I had rewritten it to be a little more light for a couple of reasons. The first being I was submitting it to an erotic story site that wasn't as welcome in the dark side of erotica. Second I had decided at that point to write a darker version anyway and didn't want to be too redundant. Glad you liked it either way :). Chapter 3 of this story follows the lighter version, but I never really went further with it after that. If you like the darker version, you should check out my Revenge of the Living Pussy story. There are a couple chapters of it posted on here. It's kind of got an S & M tone to it.