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Alex moaned in a mix of discomfort at the crowd smashing in around her and her own sick thrill at finally being face to face, muscle to muscle against the woman who had beaten and squeezed her into a humiliated heap in this bar five years ago. She felt her chest crush up against Kristin’s as the other woman’s pert bustline, cleavage bursting upward out of her tight black tank top, crammed into Alex’s almost in an intentional display of firm young womanhood that Alex felt compelled to respond to, arching her back and shoulders to jam her own firm C-cup breasts back against Kristin’s defiantly, her pelvis thrusting backward to give her trim, strong thighs more leverage to shove her torso back against Kristin’s.

Kristin’s body responded, coiling and squirming up against Alex’s chest to chest at first…but as the crowd swarmed around them that tiny amount of space their muscular butts and pelvises had sought to push themselves more powerfully against the woman opposite her evaporated until Alex felt her bare, flat belly meet up against Kristin’s taut abs and finally her quivering pelvis and thighs edged up against the other brunette’s in the hot, cramped darkness of the crowd. She squirmed and pressed into Kristin eagerly in spite of herself, hungry to match every inch of muscle she had against the other brunette in an angry display of feminine power. She felt rather than heard Kristin’s voice uttering a long, guttural grunt, a moan of effort and anger as she too matched her every muscle and sinew up against Alex’s body, both women’s torsos undulating and flexing like two belly dancers showing off their abilities in a wordless, sweating showdown.

Alex managed to force her right arm free from the other humans pressing up against her and dig her nails into Kristin’s exposed, perspiring midriff, and she felt the other brunette’s taut muscle flexing under her fingers. Kristin snarled, baring her teeth in an animalistic expression that had Alex staring down in hungry hate at the other woman’s sexy slash of a mouth and her perfect row of front teeth dangerously close to Alex’s face. She felt Kristin’s other hand digging its claws into her bare flank, the other brunette now using both hands to pull her body in even closer, and she struggled to push and jerk against the other brunette, frustrated at the way her arms were being pinned against her so that she could barely get a grip of her sultry opponent despite their almost dancing against each other in the hot dank air of the tavern. She found her own mouth opening hungrily, her lush lips baring her teeth in a snarl of hatred as Kristin’s twisted, gorgeous features filled her vision. Her chin grazed Kristin’s and the other brunette jabbed her face against Alex’s sharply, both women spitting and snarling in blind anger, their mouths shaping cruel obscenities that neither could hear even at this point-blank range over the din of the tavern.

Alex managed to free both of her hands enough to grip Kristin’s bare waist just above the beltline of her pants, and she madly tugged the other woman’s flexing, bucking pelvis in closer to her own, silently vowing to keep the raven-haired bitch’s hands away from her crotch this time. As she gripped the other girl’s squirming flesh, she felt the smooth material of Kristin’s tight pants and came to the instant, cold realization that the other woman was wearing leather pants just like she was—pussy protection against being squeezed into submission, she knew. Kristin was thinking just like she was—but she was one up on Alex now, having cunt-squeezed Alex out of commission five years ago and now putting the two enemies on equal terms before Alex could even the score.

She could feel Kristin’s hot chest rising and falling against hers as both women continued to struggle against each other, both gasping almost in exhaustion already just from the simple, torturous effort of reaching each other through the New Year’s Eve crowd in the bar. Alex’s body burned with hatred and frustration as her meager efforts to clinch and claw at her opponent seemed to come to nothing, although Kristin seemed to be doing no serious damage to Alex either. But she knew she had to pay the brunette bitch back for their last encounter at this bar and she knew she would have to take advantage of how closely they were pressed together to do it.

Alex pressed her face forward until her right cheek encountered Kristin’s. The other brunette flinched, tried to twist away, but there was only so much room to maneuver, and the more she tried to keep her face away from Alex’s the more she exposed her long, elegant neck. She aimed a last angry glare into Kristin’s eyes before she nuzzled her open mouth up against the other woman beneath her ear.

“Cunt,” she moaned just before sinking her fangs into Kristin’s neck. Some of the brunette’s long, raven-black hair managed to interfere with her bite but she still managed to clamp her teeth down into the soft, muscular flesh and hold the bite while Kristin thrashed and squirmed furiously against her. Alex hung on ravenously, chewing spitefully and gouging her incisors into the other woman’s neck muscles for several long, satisfying minutes until she pulled away enough to leave both women gasping in an angry frenzy into each other’s faces.

Alex felt Kristin’s fingers gripping her arm and grabbing a belt loop of her pants as she crushed violently up against her, and before she could respond the raven-haired brunette pressed her face up against Alex’s, her mouth against Alex’s ear and her raw, gin-soaked voice growling, “Pussy,” before her teeth found Alex’s bare neck through her mane of soft dark hair and took their hungry revenge with a fierce, long and painful bite of their own. Just as before, Alex almost felt Kristin’s low voice vibrating into her gut more than she could hear her over the roar of other voices in the bar.


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