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Summoning all the strength of her powerful long legs, the cheerleader took the dancer by surprise by pushing her back a step. With a startled yell, Kristine tightened her hug on Valentine and, right at the edge of the wooden pier, managed to stop the blonde’s momentum.

“You cheating bitch,” Kristine blamed as Valentine felt again the incredible power of the other young woman’s legs being put to work against her. “You’re the girl in heat who desperately needs to cool down.”

With the sweet taste of Kristine’s lips still on hers, Valentine tried in vain to force the brunette to take another step back. Her opponent held her ground and, a moment later, managed to spin their bodies, the blonde suddenly finding herself on the verge of falling into the water.

“You don’t have the body that it takes to throw me off this pier, slut,” Valentine grunted, matching Kristine muscle for muscle without giving an inch of ground.

“I have the legs it takes, girl,” the dancer exhaled menacingly. “And I have thesetits…”

Valentine immediately felt the pressure building between busts, the load of firm flesh that Kristine was carrying in her bikini top pushing against hers fervently. She responded with her own furious, heated breast compression, just before forcing Kristine aside with a grunt of effort.

Thosetits of yours are nothing compared to mine,” she groaned. “And the same if we’re talking about legs, Kris.”

“Bullshit, Val,” Kristine gasped. “That’s fucking bullshit.”

The contending girls stumbled across the wooden surface of the pier and, at least for now, neither added another word to their psychological warfare to focus on the physical battlefield. After half an hour engaged heavy chest to heavy chest and leg strength to leg strength with her brown-eyed rival, Valentine began to feel the toll of the female battle, her sweat-filled body being unable to offer the same inflexible resistance as before. Luckily for her, she also felt Kristine’s perspiring body giving less of a fight to hers, so the conflict became a desperate test where the first of them to yield too much in a second of weakness would end up in the lake.

For a whole minute, Lakeport’s hottest girls silently struggled with each other, only a few soft, unintelligible grunts escaping from their clenched teeth as they rotated in slow tight circles, bearhug against bearhug, plump bosoms crushing together in close quarters competition, well-built legs straining in effort to push and tear down. The physical equality with her dark-haired nemesis had never been more evident than in that moment of attrition, so Valentine couldn’t prevent her whole alabaster skin from becoming electrified with resentment while trying to outdo Kristine.

Then, all of a sudden, the gorgeous blonde found herself teetering on the edge of the pier, the heel of her bare left foot leaning unsteadily against the lip of the wooden platform. Kristine was in the same precarious position in front of her, with her right foot almost out of the pier. The two long-legged beauties were less than half a step away from completely losing their balance, but that didn’t stop the fight, and Valentine found Kristine trying to seize the moment by lunging body to body against her, seemingly unaware or not caring that they were both about to fall into the water.

“Bitch,” Valentine grunted as the brunette’s firm, heavy breasts pressed tightly against her magnificent pair of dense orbs.

“Bitch,” Kristine replied, the moonlight shining on her malice-filled eyes as she returned the carnal pressure with desperation and hunger for victory.

It was impossible to tell who ended up pushing to the side, even knowing what it would bring for the two women tied in a tight embrace, but suddenly the physical stalemate was undone with both rivals losing their footing. Valentine howled at the same time as Kristine as they fell and dragged each other into the water, which immediately welcomed them. Like fire crashing into ice, Valentine’s burning body hit the cold surface of the lake, the thermal shock leaving the blonde out of play for a couple of seconds. Her long, strong legs flailed out in the water alongside Kristine’s before, still hugging each other, the sexy opponents submerged completely, sinking inexorably to the bottom of the lake. Managing to discern what was up and what was down in that underwater chaos, Valentine regained her senses in time to feel the powerful legs of her dark-haired foe meet and lock around hers, her own pair responding by engaging Kristine’s long lower limbs with a fierce hold.

All the time Valentine had spent observing and analyzing Kristine’s legs over the past few months had not prepared her for that moment. For the first time, she was feeling in her own flesh how truly strong, how truly long the dancer’s extremities were—she perceived them as almighty, immeasurable. With all four legs entangling like mating water snakes, the blonde had to reluctantly admit with a toxic rush of jealousy that Kristine had every reason to be so insanely proud of her best assets.

Bubbles streamed from the mouths of both women as they curled their young, fit bodies around each other, squeezing with arms and legs in desperation. The underwater duel was getting really dangerous very fast, the female dispute threatening to make the girls pay a high price. Feeling her lungs burning under the pressure of Kristine’s vigorous muscles, Valentine knew she had to get back to the surface of the lake within seconds, but she still decided against all logic that she had something to prove now that her legs were tied to the dancer’s pair. So she crushed with strength born of bitterness, and Kristine did the same.

Rotating in slow circles underwater, with their long hair fanning out behind their heads like halos, the leggy women fought in that drastic, reckless squashing battle for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity. Valentine felt a sick pleasure at the sight of the desperation on Kristine’s beautiful face, which encouraged her to press more and more, but she herself had to bare her teeth and release more oxygen as the brunette squeezed back with the corded strength of her arms and, above all, her legs. Immediately the blonde knew that her air reserves were about to be fully drained, so her survival instinct took over—though in a way she least expected.

Unable to resist the sight of the tempting bubbles escaping from between Kristine’s thick lips, Valentine sealed both mouths with hunger and began slurping the precious oxygen. The dancer’s eyes widened in surprise and worry, but the cheerleader immediately noticed that her rival also started trying to steal the air from her mouth. Never before had Valentine been engaged in a kiss like that, so intense, extreme and agonizing that every inch of her body throbbed. It felt unexpectedly, overwhelmingly sexy too, as if the blonde’s body and mind understood that the agony of the last breath was somehow a perverse, unhealthy reflection of carnal pleasure. So when she felt Kristine’s tongue inside her, instead of rejecting it, she welcomed it with her own heated licks.

That could not last any longer, though. Starting to choke, Valentine shoved her hand against Kristine’s chin at the same time as her adversary pushed hers with her own hand. Giving each other a quick, hard push, the beauties parted their lips abruptly, a burst of bubbles erupting out of their ravenous mouths, the last of the reserves of their lungs getting lost in the water. After a resentful mutual leg squeeze, the gorgeous blonde reluctantly let go of Kristine’s long limbs, the girls kicking free of each other to desperately dart for the surface of the lake.

The moon shining out of the dangerous airless realm seemed far away from Valentine but, all of a sudden, her head broke the water. Sucking down huge gulps of air, she tried to extinguish the fire that was burning in her throat, but for a moment she could only cough as she struggled to keep her exhausted body afloat. Five or six feet away, Kristine was also trying to collect herself from the short but agonizing underwater contest, her mouth wide open, her beautiful face and long hair drenched.

Taking the risk of looking away from her nemesis for a second, Valentine glanced around and saw that they were halfway between the pier they had fallen from and the Visser family docks. Beyond the warehouse and the grove of trees, the cheerleader could distinguish the soft glow of the town lights as a distant reminder of the real world. Turning her face toward Kristine, she saw the other woman’s dark brown eyes staring at her with open hatred, and understood that there, in the darkness that only the full moon illuminated, the rules and morals of the civilization that stood where there was light had absolutely no validity.

With determination and animosity glowing in her blue eyes, Valentine leaned back and began to swim backwards without losing sight of the beautiful brunette. Kristine licked her wet lips and followed her, the two girls carefully keeping some distance between them as they swam back to the shore. Valentine wasn’t done with Kristine yet and, from the way her rival was looking at her, it was clear to the blonde that the dancer didn’t think it was over either.

Valentine’s bare feet finally touched ground, what seemed to be a small sandbank twenty-some feet from the shore allowing her to stand up in all her splendor, the lake covering her just a little under her knees. Rivulets of water dripped down her body, caressing her curves in a bikini—her full breasts, her graceful hips, her round ass, her strong thighs. Shaking her soaked golden hair, she splashed water around before returning her gaze to Kristine. The brunette had reached the shallows of the lake too and, as the blonde herself, her also gorgeous body emerged from the water in a seductive spectacle of wet curves.

For a whole minute, there was absolute silence. Valentine watched Kristine’s eyes moving up and down her body over and over again, her enemy making no attempt to hide the fact that she was analyzing her, so the cheerleader neither did it as she looked at every inch of the brunette’s body, comparing each female asset with the ones in her figure. In the bluish light of night, Valentine realized that somehow Kristine’s exhausted, drenched body looked better than ever, as if the fight had swollen every curve to give it a fuller, rounder appearance. There was also a sharper definition in the dancer’s muscles, particularly in her dangerously long legs but, fortunately for the blonde, she herself felt curvier, fitter despite the fatigue accumulated in her body. The jealousy in Kristine’s eyes confirmed her thoughts, though she was sure her own gaze could not hide her resentment towards what she was seeing in the brunette’s body.

“You dirty cunt.” When Kristine broke the tense silence, Valentine could clearly discern the weariness and hostility in her raspy voice. “Trying to drown me like the psycho you are…”

The blonde hardened her gaze and bit her lower lip with some anger. For an instant she felt offended by the other girl’s accusation since Kristine had squeezed all the oxygen out of her body with arms and legs—she had even stuck her tongue in her mouth at the most critical moment. But Valentine could not deny that she had been playing the same dangerous game as the brunette and that, at least for a few agonizing seconds, she had wanted so badly to crush Kristine between her arms and legs that she had completely ignored the risks of the submerged struggle.

“Says the whore who has tried everything she can to drown me, dirty tongue included,” Valentine said with a hissing whisper, her words full of animosity but also fatigue. “But if this has scared you, you can leave with your tail between your legs. I promise not to brag too much.”

“It was you who put your mouth on mine, don’t you forget it,” Kristine replied. “And you’re the one losing this fight, so if you can’t go on, just say so. Although I can’t promise not to brag too much.”

“I’m losing?” the cheerleader groaned in surprise. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“It is clear that I overwhelmed you in the body fight earlier,” the dancer murmured cockily, a soft smile curving her full lips. “And I’m pretty sure that I threw you off the pier.”

“Stupid bitch,” Valentine grunted, her blood starting to burn just thinking that Kristine believed she was besting her. “I must have starved your brain of too much oxygen, ‘cause I was the one who pushed you into the water.” She arrogantly raised her chin as she forced a half smile on her wet face. “All that after showing you that it is my body that is the boss here.”

“I have the boobs and definitely have the legs to overpower yours,” the brunette uttered. “So you’re not the boss of anything, you weak girl.”

Valentine began to walk slowly forward, the insult making her heavy jugs throb under her pink bikini top, straining the strong muscles in her legs. Under her feet, the sand felt slippery, unstable—fighting there would not be easy, especially in her exhausted state. Ahead of the blonde, Kristine went to meet her and, for a moment, only the smooth sound of water swirling around the girls’ legs echoed in the night. When the rivals stopped within four feet of each other, the water level barely reached a little above their ankles.

“Let me be very clear, Kris: neither your boobs nor your legs will ever overpower mine in any way.” The cheerleader rested her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest proudly, her well-shaped body exuding wet eroticism in the gloom. “So if you’re not too tired to continue, I’m more than willing to have another body competition with you here and now.”

The tall brunette opened her mouth to answer, but something stopped her. Valentine saw clearly how the other girl’s dark brown eyes moved down to her breasts, and she herself looked down to find the longest nipples she had ever seen on her boobs before—so big that the lycra of the bikini stretched in each bosom like a tent. Feeling her cheeks burn, Valentine looked straight ahead, and found Kristine now staring at her own glands. Two large nipples were clearly noticeable under the green bikini in the center of each breast of the brunette and, by the look on her face, she was as shocked at the sight of those hard rods as the cheerleader herself was at her own stiff pair. With the tightness in her crotch again intensifying, Valentine kept feeling perturbed and confused by the unwanted erotic veil that hung around the female duel.



Great writing!