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“Where are you, sweetheart? Don’t tell me you had another one of those last-minute meetings.” The words came across the line, a soft, seductive female voice clutching at Xiu Li’s ear. The woman hadn’t even had time to say anything when she took the call, and now she was paralyzed for a few nervous seconds.

“Sorry, I think you have the wrong number,” Xiu Li could finally say. “Who are you looking for?”

“I’m looking for Yuan Hong.” The voice on the other side sounded surprised. “I’m sure this is his number…”

“Yeah, this is Yuan Hong’s number. Who are you, then?”

“I’m her girlfriend. Who are you?” The voice rose slightly.

“What kind of joke is this? I’m her girlfriend!” Xiu Li grunted.

“What? Dare to repeat that!”

“I’m her fucking girlfriend! Who the hell are you?!”

“I’m Fang Mei, bitch. And you?”

“Xiu Li, you slut…”

For a few seconds, none of them were able to keep talking. Only the girls’ tense breathing was heard through the phone line. The consequences of the unexpected discovery filled Xiu Li’s mind with fear, doubt, jealousy, anger—a cocktail that drove her next reckless words.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but obviously we need to meet and talk about this face to face immediately,” she grunted.

“I was about to tell you the same thing, you cunt,” the other woman said. “I have the whole day off, so we can meet wherever and whenever you want.”

“I’m also free until tomorrow morning, so I have no problem looking for you, bitch,” Xiu Li spat out. “Do you know Qingxian Yashe Pub? It’s not far from Wangfujing Street…”

“Of course I know it. We can meet there in an hour…if you dare,” Fang Mei groaned. “Although I’m gonna be surprised if you dare show your ugly face over there, you dirty man-stealer.”

“Ugly face?” Xiu Li snorted with disdain. “You have no fucking idea how fucking beautiful I am,” she exhaled as her huge self-esteem took control of her tongue. “My beauty is gonna crush you as soon as you see me, you two-bagger gold-digger.”

“You have a lot of guts calling me two-bagger, sow.” The anger in Fang Mei’s voice let Xiu Li know that telling her she was an opportunistic parasite was nothing compared to implying she was ugly. “I’m so beautiful that, when you see me, you’re gonna crack.”

“Enough, whore.” Xiu Li got tired of hearing the contempt from the other side of the call. “Qingxian Yashe Pub, in one hour.”

“Fine, bitch,” Fang Mei mumbled. Xiu Li was about to hang up when the other woman added something else. “One last thing, if you’re not as cowardly as you look: no makeup.”

“You just made a big mistake, girl.” Xiu Li’s thick lips twisted into an arrogant half smile. “No makeup, then.”

Xiu Li cut off the call and, a second later, the two-faced boyfriend’s phone flew through the air to crash and smash into the wall. The sexy brunette would eventually deal with that adulterous bastard, but before she had a date with that whore named Fang Mei…


At that time of day, Qingxian Yashe Pub was practically empty. When Fang Mei walked through the door, leaving behind the heat of the morning sun beams to get into the half-light of the place, there were only four other people, and none of them was a woman: a couple of early drinkers, a young man drowning in mijiu his love breakup and a good-looking bartender. I got there before that slut, she thought as she felt all the eyes on her—not only because she was the only woman in the bar, but mostly because she was the woman. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches, she didn’t need the help of any high-heeled shoes to move around the bar like she owned it, her long black hair waving seductively behind her shoulders with every confidence-charged step. Wearing a silky light blue blouse and a pair of cut-offs that allowed her to flaunt her strong legs, Fang Mei stopped in the middle of the bar, pushing her heavy chest out as her dark eyes moved around to spot the farthest table from the dim light of the place. The broken-hearted man took a long drink from his mijiuwithout losing sight of the magnificent chest of the brunette beauty, their eager eyes following the generous lines of each gland under the thin fabric. Suddenly, his now ex-girlfriend didn’t seem such a loss.

Just when Fang Mei had located the perfect table for the private chat she wanted to have with that arrogant girl called Xiu Li, the bar door opened again. With the sun outside momentarily blinding her, the first thing she saw was a female silhouette under the door frame—and what a silhouette! Whoever that woman was, she was really tall and curvy, perhaps as much as Fang Mei herself.

Is she…? Blinking, Fang Mei cleared her eyes as the newcomer took a couple of steps forward, the gloom embracing her to discover her features away from the blinding light of the street…

Six people were in Qingxian Yashe Pub at that time, and six gasps of surprise were heard at once—the bartender even almost dropped the bottle of Kaoliang wine he was holding in his hands. Fang Mei’s eyes widened in surprise, incredulous at what she saw in front of her, and that same astonishment was reflected in the other woman’s beautiful face.

“Twins?” the whisper of one of the patrons was clearly heard in the silence that dominated the bar at the time, shaping Fang Mei’s bewildered thoughts. What she had a few steps away could have been a long-lost sister, or an experiment by some crazy scientist who had decided to clone her perfect body. The other woman was big-breasted, thin-waisted and long-legged in the same way that she was, her skin just as white and smooth, and undeniably matched her in height and weight—Fang Mei even cursed that, from the toned look of the other’s female arms and legs, she must also be equally fit.

“No, they’re not twins,” another man answered. “Look closely.”

Fang Mei took the advice that, although it was not addressed to her, helped her to see beyond. At first glance, she had gasped in shock as she thought she saw in the other woman’s face a perfect reflection of her own. There was a lot of truth in that disturbing idea, since both beauties shared the same facial features: round-shaped chins, generous full red lips, small noses, feminine cheeks and almond-shaped dark eyes in impeccable harmony with her long, straight jet-black hair. But not even such strong similarities could make them twins—although they were close enough. If that woman was, as Fang Mei presumed, Xui Li, Yuan Hong definitely had a crush on one very specific type of woman.

“Yeah, you’re right,” the first man said. “But it’s fucking hard to see, especially when they wear the same…”

Fang Mei had not realized such evidence, but that didn’t make her any less frustrated when she looked down at the other brunette’s clothes. In front of her light blue blouse and cut-offs, a thin pink blouse and short denim jeans covered part of that cloned body, both female outfits showing exactly the same amount of flesh in a wordless challenge—with three buttons on their blouses unbuttoned, their generous cleavages were the ones in charge of this. They even used the same kind of handbag, big and black.

“You must be Fang Mei,” the newcomer finally said, putting her hands in her pockets and glanced brazenly at the other woman’s body.

“And you must be Xiu Li,” Fang Mei replied, instinctively mimicking the rival posture. Then she took a quick look around. “We seem to be drawing too much attention to ourselves, so why don’t we sit down?” she finished, pointing to the table that she had already chosen.

“Lead the way,” Xiu Li murmured just before the two young, beautiful girls walked into the first arena of their confrontation.

“Welcome to Qingxian Yashe Pub, ladies.” As soon as they sat down, Fang Mei in front of Xiu Li, the bartender came up to the table. “What would you like to drink?”

Baijiu, please,” Xiu Li asked, leaving her handbag on the table. “Nongxiang class, if you have it.”

“The same for me.” Fang Mei nodded, placing her almost identical handbag next to the other woman’s. “Bring two shot glasses and one bottle, please.”

“Right away, ladies.” The man walked away, and the dark-haired beauties were momentarily left alone with each other and their rivalry.

There wasn’t a word in the bar at the time, only the sound of outside cars reaching the ears of the patrons. Xiu Li was almost late for this peculiar hate meeting because of the heavy traffic in Beijing, but now that she had this Fang Mei in front of her, all the trouble of getting to this bar seemed worthwhile. She was still in awe of the incredible physical resemblance between the other brunette and herself but, seeing the fire in Fang Mei’s equally dark, equally almond eyes, she knew that this weapon of frustration was double-edged and could hurt both girls at the same time.

“So…” Xiu Li started to say, but the other woman interrupted her.

“So you’re the bitch who wants to steal my boyfriend,” Fang Mei grunted, her verbal assault avoiding the look alike issue to embrace the original problem.

Xiu Li narrowed her eyes with hatred. She’d already decided to send Yuan Hong to hell once she’d cleared things up with this woman, but Fang Mei’s words made her feel that she wouldn’t give up the millionaire so easily if the other female still wanted him.

“I can’t steal something that already belongs to me, you slut,” she replied, her voice full of poison. “Yuan Hong is mine. Period.”

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Fang Mei sneered. “I’m sure I’ve been fucking him long before you.”

“Let me doubt that, girl,” Xiu Li answered. “I’ve fucked him earlier and harder than you, I am sure of it.”

“You don’t seem like the type who knows how to fuck hard,” Fang Mei criticized. “You must be more like a whore who just lies down and lets man do everything.”

“Just ask Yuan Hong,” Xiu Li said. “He can tell you how wild I ride him, and how fast I make him cum compared to a frigid like you.”

“I can make any man cum much faster than you can, whether it’s Yuan Hong or anyone else,” Fang Mei whispered while both dark-haired beauties heard the bartender’s footsteps approaching.


Words: 1801.



Random comment, take it or ignore: Firefighter is a strange profession for one of the girls to be, because: 1) firefighting as a profession is not glamorized in Asian media as much as it is in the west, and 2) female firefighters are basically nonexistent in China. You can't really go wrong going with two stereotypical attractive female professions, like nurse vs. flight attendant or something.