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Rewards Update - Please Comment :)

I'm going to be making some changes to subscriber rewards starting in August. Don't worry though, there should be nothing getting taken away, just more stuff! :D

So as some of you may know, I've recently left my job and also finished the major part of my SFW pixel art contract (which was two years long!) This means that I've got the most time I've ever had to just throw my attention into full-time illustrating!

I'm a bit edgy about money now since my income has dropped a lot, but with the new time and ideally no real problems from my sleep disorder, I'm hoping to increase my activity and reliability, as well as make Patreon better and more attractive :)

Nothing is really final yet for the subscriber changes, but here's what I'm currently planning:

$1 tier will stay the same
This will be at least one early access a week and access to sketches on Discord

$5 tier will get one addition
A poll to decide on a Fanart series or character each month. The upload will be public, but you get to choose what it'll be

£10 tier will get one addition
Will get access to short process videos on Discord I'll make of various pictures, of different aspects. Requests can be made on the topic. There's already one posted on Discord (subscribers only) if you'd like to see an example
$20 tier will get one (hopefully positive) change
Currently $20 subscribers get a custom sketch of a single character. I personally find this a bit restrictive for both my style to draw, and for the subscriber to make requests for. The change I'm thinking will be to give myself as a wee art slave to the Subscriber for enough time to create a picture of ur choice! Anything can be requested and any number of characters, however the more complex it is, the sketchier it'll be. If you'd prefer I just spend the whole time polishing a simpler pic, that's cool too! I'm hoping this will allow a broader creativity and freedom for choosing ur custom pic!

Other suggestions I've had 

feel free to comment on these if you like them, or if you have any other suggestions not listed on this post :)

--NFT collectibles of ...something (characters from Samhein, or different Glitter Slut outfits, or favourite bondage pics, idk)
--Subscriber only Suggestions Streams I jump on stream on discord and take loose suggestions and sketching with whoever's around
--Templates of stuff or like colouring book lineart of pics, just the lines and transparency let u fill in ur own colours



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