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Jobless in July

Monthly Panic Update!

Ciao i miei dumplini!

Some of u may have been wondering wtf has been going on with me lately. Well,, it's time for a full fresh start, a clean slate for my lil existence. I've recently quit one of my jobs and am leaning fully into the freelancing lyfe now. That means that I'm now officially going to be locked in the Jail with everyone else!

<figure>halp me</figure>

What a quitter

I've been too aware that the past several months I've been really struggling to keep as active as I'd like, and am falling behind on a number of my commitments, and even my upload schedules have become too chaotic. I've been sleep deprived absolutely constantly and really hating the feeling every time I post explaining why something is late or has gone wrong. It needs to change, and I feel like it's never changing no matter what I do or try. I just need a fresh start, and to take away the most problematic aspect of my schedule so I can focus my attention and energy in a way I've just never been able to before.

Okay so what does this mean? I still have some notice left to work so for about half of this month I'm still going to be a busy mess finishing off my last shifts and doing the desperate catchup I'm stuck on. But I'm also going to be making some schemes and plans going forward and I like to think early August will be around when I really get full momentum

What a schemer

I'm going to be making some changes to my commission prices, subscription tiers, and the styles of illustration I work in, as well as trying to better organise the settings and characters I create for and be more consistent in my output.
I don't plan on increasing my commission prices from what they are, but the details will change and I'd like to add some new options on as well. Subscription stuff I'm not super sure about yet but I'm going to be looking at things I maybe haven't been able to offer before but can now with new time.

This means it's also a really good time for u to get in touch with me and give me feedback on tier rewards that u particularly like, or think are no good etc. All feedback would be amazing right now!

I really, really appreciate everyone's patience over the past couple of months. It means more than I can possibly explain, life has been a shitstorm for a while now and I've had no idea what to do to get on top of it. But now I'm taking the leap into full freelance, and it's a risk, but the support of everyone here and in the community has encouraged me that I can do this. I know I've said it a few times before, but things are really shaping up to change in a pure brilliant way soon. I've never had as much freedom to create as I'm going to have soon.

I cannae wait to see what gnarly shit we drag into the Jail with us!

Sweet Dreams x



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