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Some of u already know, but for anyone who doesn't, I regularly use Discord, a (free) online chat and sharing service. It's by far the fastest and easiest way to get a hold of me if u have any questions or would like to talk, make suggestions or find out more

But also it includes a special Subscriber-only section where I look for feedback, conduct micro polls about things, ask for suggestions on some upcoming work, and show early previews of unfinished work before hitting early access. 

I've also just opened up a new channel where I will start sharing sketches of unfinished work as well as unused sketches and ideas for commissions and things, drawings that may never go on to get a full pic or published anywhere else.

Because discord is an instant chat service and mobile friendly, I'll be posting these sporadically as they become available and just chat as things happen, but I don't want to spam ur patreon feed and e-mails with constant messy updates here, I feel that Discord is the cleanest way to do this.  

If u aren't already on Discord and would like to join, or if u'v never used Discord before and would like to give it a shot, u can join my server at this link here:  


This will take u directly to my discord server where u can find me, along with the whole community (of subscribers and other fans) where u can get involved in kinky conversations and art sharing and be a part of the creative process as we go

$1+ Patrons should automatically be able to see the Subscriber-only channels when you join, but if u can't (or if u have any other troubles with understanding Discord and how it works) you're welcome to comment here or message me and I'll help you along :)

Sweet Dreams my lil dumplings x



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