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 A slight change to the Dungeon Treasures format, which should hopefully make things a lot cleaner and fairer!
I wanted the $5 tier to have access to the most recent Exclusive Pics, but not the entire archive, which is available to higher tiers. However I realised that since the most recent vault will change every so often so each page isn't too big, that it would mean that every so often the $5 would only have access to 1 exclusive pic, at the start of a new vault, while the previous month they had access to much more content. Not really fair!

So now, rather having two passwords for the vaults, and the $5 tier only having access to the most recent tier, there is now a single password for all regular Vaults (inc. ComicDev) for $10+ tiers, which includes all content.

$5 dumplings will now have access to their own vault, with its own password, and this new Vault will contain the six most recent treasures. The content in this vault will roll with each update and will always be exactly six exclusives available, so that your reward is a fixed amount each month :)

The September Password for the Dumpling Vault is: kangaroomouse


For access to the rest of the Vaults, $10+ tier dumplings can check out the password on the discord channels, or the pinned post on my feed! 


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