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It's been a long, hard, throbbing journey, but we've made it to July, and now as a reward, we get warm, wet, rain.....? Well, it's rainy here, idk about you folks, is it still summer where you live?!

Tonight I'm going to briefly cover the confirmed upload schedule (so far) for this month, talk about the planned Tier Changes for later in the month, as well as the new type of exclusive content that will be available in the Dungeon Treasures from this month on :)

(Also: last month I was completely booked with commissions, so never had a chance to look into Lifetime Rewards. This month I'd like to get caught up with that and I'm sure there are some due. If you are eligible for a LTR sketch, I'll be in touch soon!)

What's getting up in July?

June was pretty busy for me, so July will hold some pretty fun stuff! This month you can expect a bit more nonhumans than usual, but don't worry, there should be plenty to get excited about: A naughty wolfgirl by the pool; an elf and her frightening warmistress; a sphinx in her tragic greek torture; some more Soldier Girl teasing torments; Rebecca is back again with some shocking "lip" therapy; a pixel art animation of pyperhaylie's OC N1col3 being tentacle tormented; and there's plenty more of Her Trial to survive, including a special Cover Art that I'll be previewing soon!

Also, a few days ago I streamed an Artstyle Swap with Rook07 and we came up with some pretty surreal illustrations of us working within each others sketching styles. If anyone is familiar with his work, this should be a pretty fun experience, I can't wait to show you all, and I've got some things planned to really show them off in cool ways!

Tier Changes

This one's been tough for me, but I've thought and talked it over and I feel that it is best for now to at least try splitting the tiers up. This is because I think it gives a bit more freedom to patrons by separating out some of the rewards and making a slightly more accessible tier, as well as covering me a bit as well, as things are -very- tight for me right now and I am trying to strike a balance that works for all of us combined, especially as my regular job hours will be changing in the next (unknown) month/s.

This will likely happen later through the month or so, giving both current/future Patrons a chance to take in the changes before the 1st. No one's tier rewards will change this month tho, and it will all be official by August :)

The $7 will be broken up into $5/10 tiers, with the exact reward structure still to be decided. Commissions discount and Dungeon Treasures access will likely not be a part of the $5 rewards, but I'll see about trying to balance this out more. $5 will likely still keep early previews (which I'm going to make an effort to do more regularly as well) and polls on content might become geared towards $5+ patrons.

You have a few more weeks to get in touch with me with any thoughts or suggestions about this before I activate it, I'd love if you do let me know, especially if this is a problem for you, as tier changes are always v scary for me to do! :O

Dungeon Treasures

While the exclusive piece for this month is still to be decided, this month is when I'll activate my plan for a new type of exclusive content: 

I'll have a separate vault for a couple of comics I'll be working on. The plan here is that I will keep these vaults with the comic from storyboarding and development onwards, and I will update these as I work on them them, giving you a chance to see them live in development, from the storyboarding and through each stage of the process as they get produced, and you'll get to see how messy my workflow can be! This will also be a chance for you to see how things are coming along and share any feedback/suggestions or ideas you might have that you think could improve the end product as we go! :D

I hope you all have a wonderfully wet july! <3



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