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Summer Rave is back for another Dungeon Treasure, because isn't she just a gem!?

The vote from last months poll was a pretty close tie between Samhein and Starlight, so I thought why not do both, using Summer and an Interactive Slider?

The 2x images, slider, and sketches are available in Vault#2 of the Dungeon Treasures page on my website.


If you're a Dweller/Jailer, the password can be found in your Patron inbox, Discord, or the Pinned Post on my Patron Page


This picture took a hell of a lot of planning to work out a way to get both contrasting settings (fantasy psychological horror vs scifi physical torture), to work out what tortures or torments could be applied, and how to get her in a pose that could stay the same but still utilise both of those! I wanted to really make an effort to retain the right atmospheres of each setting and not just use them as a cheap framing device for the pic: I like the two settings (and I hope you do too!) and wanted to keep them feeling true to their nature.

With some help, I decided the way to approach it would be treat Summer as if she's going to a rave, and work out how to get a rave in each setting. Samhein felt like a good opportunity to use Festival of the Dead style fluorescent paintings to create a skeletal monster rave. I couldn't work out how to get Starlight looking like a dark, blacklit rave, but it was pointed out to me that Starlight is always very bright and vibrant anyways.

So why not make the idea about the contrast between the dark and the light. She gets to be in a horror rave of the undead in one, and in a brightly lit techno rave in the other, with the underlying question of which is scarier: the horrors lurking in the dark, or the tortures you can see coming?

So that's how I came to the plan at least to make it a bright vs dark pic. The pose took a couple of tries, the first one I liked, but then realised I couldn't really do much with it between the two settings and get her fucked up enough for everyone's sadistic desires! That pose though I wound up using for the preview, but I had to go back to thumbnailing, and I came up with the back-facing pose.

I liked her turning around, as it's a classic horror visual (what's that behind me?) to help set the mood a bit more, and it was an angle I don't do as often, so I wanted to explore that! Although it did highlight her ass mainly, so the pics really had to be about that, didn't they?

I kept her colours similar to her last pic, which is still referenced largely from the Fernando comic Tourist Trap, as I liked the friendly summer colours she's got going. For the monsters/machines I went with some Festival of the Dead colour references I saw which were much colder, paler colours with lots of intricate patterns. Perfect! It would contrast nicely, and let the picture feature her and pink/yellow, and the danger around her in blues/greens. This could be applied to both settings easily enough to keep a consistency between them, even without the blacklight.

And finally, I went overcrowded and overwhelming! I mean, that's what raves are right? Cramped, crowded, busy, overwhelming, and you go there to get fucked up, don't you?! :O


I'm pretty happy with how these came out, and I think the colours are super fun. I feel that I got the blacklit colouring down much better than the last Summer pic (which I feel I got the skin colour in the dark a bit weird).

What do you think?

Would you like to see more of Summer?

What do you want next months Treasure to be? 




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