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Mmmmm there's going to be plenty to get yer taps aff about this month, dungeon dumplings!

Last month was pretty busy for me with a lot of commissions and extra work going on, and the soft, wet fruits of that will be showing themselves soon as most of it I'm finishing up very soon. I've also got a decent amount of new things to get started on too, including some new characters to introduce!

Fans of Her Trial have a lot to look forward to this month as I expect HT10-12 to be ready to publish at least, and potentially 13 as well, which will be introducing a new character, Dice, into the fold as we say our goodbyes to Rachel!

Fans of the less extreme work will be happy to know I have friendlier work coming out as well (well, sort of!) but I've also finished the Basvalla series of pictures. There's 5 in all, and while I won't be publicly posting them until Lilian is ready for me to (so we can post them together with the story), I will be posting them this month as Early Access for Patreons :)

There's a few more Rebecca's XXX pictures coming out as well, some fun hanging out in nature, some Samhein nightmare come to life, and another brief dive into Lindsey's life at the Manor. I also have some other pics I've done on streams which might make it onto the list to get finished and published this month, but I'm not quite sure yet.

And for Dwellers and Jailers, I have some plans for a new Dungeon Treasures series. I have some comics plans (including Nyssa's Demon) which I'm struggling to find time to put together. Comics are quite difficult as they take a lot of commitment to put together, and don't offer much to post or show for themselves until they're finished, and can result in me seeming quite inactive, or the comic taking very long.
So to address this, my thinking is that I'll make a Vault for the two comics I'm thinking of working on, where I will post progress of the comics as I go and as they are developed, which also allows me to create content for them non-chronologically. I'm hoping this will be a fun way for you to get insight into the process, how things are going, see progress as it's made, and even opportunities to give feedback during development! I'm not exactly sure on when I can get started on this though, as I have some other things I need to finish more urgently. Keep an eye out for updates though :)

For this month's Dungeon Treasure exclusive, there's also a poll up and ready:


Stay Kinky, Dumplings!

(An off-topic note: I'm aware that in the world right now things are getting a bit crazy, to say the least, especially as I know many of you live within the States. I'm posting again now with a list of updates of naughty art and what's to come up, but I don't want to give the impression I'm blithely ignoring the difficulties people are going through or what much of this means. I have pretty strong feelings about everything that's going on, and if anyone wants to discuss this more privately with me or find out how I feel, I'm happy to talk about it. 

However, I don't want this Patreon to become political, or for my personal thoughts on socio-political issues to bleed into what I expect to be, for most of you, simply a fun source of kinky art. To that end I'd like to keep going on and producing some R-rated escapism and fun, and I hope that the work can help provide you a glimpse into another sexy world and a brief break from what's pretty bleak and overwhelming news right now.

I hope everyone is doing everything they can to stay safe, and I wish you all well going forward and getting through these various challenges in life. I honestly wish I could do more to help: please let me know if you think there's anything I can do!

Stay safe, dumplings.)



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