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Somewhere lost in the Samhein Estate, Serena the Witch has even her muses and inspirations held in captivity, producing ideas and possibilities for her to bring to life within the mansion against her other less fortunate captives. The artists dliemna, to either contribute to the torment of the helpless people in the mansion, or to defy the witch and find themselves the subject of those torments as well!


This picture was originally just going to be a more standard illustration of a room with Serena appearing out of the walls and shadows to check on her worker and lend a haunting hand, but at some point it became a bit more poster art and I just ran with it, liking how striking it felt. It was always intended as my new and updated cover image (my current cover images also feature Serena, but are now about 6 months old) and I had positioned this so that when it goes on DA, Serena herself should only be visible when you choose to scroll up on the page, and not visible by default, which I thought was cool :P

So since it was meant to be a cover art anyway, I thought having it as a bit of a poster image would fit along nicely to it! :D

I was trying to get a bit of a contrast between bright, fun colours, energy, and movement, and a sense of underlying dread and tension. It's a bit of an emotional self-insert I guess, the past few months (and I guess 2020 in general) has felt a bit like this, where everything has generally been going fun, moving along, advancing well and in cool and fun ways, and I'm loving getting more involved with more work and settings and all of you and discord people, but there is definitely a bit of a spectre behind life, at the edges, a constant creeping shadow of one problem or another. 

It can be difficult and scary, but if we keep on with what we're doing, if we're patient, and find ways to enjoy what we're doing, we'll get through this all fine with smiles for everyone!

Except maybe the Samhein Slaves....! :P



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