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Ciao ragazzi! It's great to see new Patrons and old alike, especially in a time that's getting pretty difficult for everyone, it's great to see people still coming together online and sharing what we love. Even if it is more than a bit naughty :P

Coming to the end of the month now I'm just looking back at what I've been doing, as well as what I will do going forward. I want to try and use my time and resources efficiently, as it's no service to anyone if I waste a lot of time doing something that isn't working, I'm surely more useful tied up next to my tablet being a kinky dumpling :O

Anyhoo, the question of the day is how did you find me? What brought you to my Patreon page in the first place?

This would be super helpful for me going forward so thanks in advance for answering here, and if you could comment with any more detail that would be fantastic, but isn't required or anything! And don't worry, nothing will change on this page from your answers :)

I hope everyone is doing well this month! Stay safe until April, and we'll catch up again my naughty wee dumplings :3


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