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So, I've paused billing, so nobody will be charged March 1st. I've been increasingly feeling guiltier and guiltier for having nothing to share here -- either I don't have time to make Patreon exclusives, or I will get pulled away from comic work by dayjob or other jobs and just not have enough WIPs to share until very suddenly I have TONS to share at once.

I am gonna turn it back on eventually, I just don't know when. I want to change stuff around here, especially with regards to Porrima early release pages when the webcomic is finally ready to launch. Should it gets its own Patreon? I have no idea. I gotta think on it.

Thank y'all for being so kind and supportive. If I have tons to share/post sooner than later, I'll be happy to turn billing back on, but I'll give at least a week's notice first.



Many many artists on my Patreon feeds do not provide any exclusives or even regular updates. I think a significant number of others here believe as I do that this is not a transactional arrangement, it's just a supportive one! Whatever your decision we'll support you but I'm happy to keep throwing a couple dollars you way just because it might make the decision to buy a nice coffee a little easier month by month!