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Hey y'all! Just a "what's been going on" post.

I was on a roll in November, putting tons of times into my comics and had a lot to share, and I had hoped to continue that through December, but at the end of November something kinda bad happened (that I don't wanna talk about, at least not right now) that made me super mad about mainstream publishing efforts. So I decided suddenly to pivot and get a dayjob so I could return to working on my own indy stuff without caring about them making enough money to support me anymore.

I did get lucky, I immediately got hired for a seasonal retail job, and less than a week into that got hired for a permanent job to replace it, but had to start training ASAP so that the permanent job could start when the seasonal job ended, to avoid a gap in paychecks.

So for the month of December, I was working 2 new physically exhausting jobs and had very few days off. I was very, very tired, and while I managed to still do comic work, it wasn't a lot.

However, seasonal job ends this week, which means I'll be back to having just the one job, which finally started properly yesterday. And it's a cool job I like -- I'm a game master at an escape room! If I were less tired, I'd be more peppy about it. 

So yeah, apologies for dropping off the radar for December. January is gonna be a month where I suddenly come at y'all with a LOT of comic pages, since I'll just be working my escape room job, and the entire point of getting that job is being able to come home and churn out my own comics.

I'll probably make another post this week talking about the dayjob (like how my training involved room resetting bootcamp haha), and why I'm suddenly making this pivot and flustered at mainstream comics. But for now, just wanted to let y'all know what's up, and in January I'll be picking up where I left off in November.


Stevie Morrison

Hi Amanda! I’m glad to hear that you’ve got a new gig and it’ll create more time for your art. I’m in a similar situation to Samuel. I ordered something off your Ko-Fi shop in September, but haven’t gotten any updates. Thanks!

Kai Kiser

Thanks for sharing! I know leaning into a career I care about (that has nothing to do with writing and art) put less pressure on my art and made me more productive with it. It's a hard lesson but one that can be a huge help in being happier.