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So, I'm gonna keep it short and sweet: Sorry for lack of September content, I had thought I was gonna be working on my slipshine comic but - surprise! I got news that Mastercard is cracking down on "bestiality" content, which includes... elf ears. Which means that my comic Miracle Knight Remix, is possibly on hold indefinitely.

Since I can't work on it, but I NEED an update soon, I've been wracking my brains to think of a brand new story I care about at all. And I've only recently been able to come up with something, and am cleaning up the pencils now. So I'll be able to finally share that in the coming days as I try to get this done in a reasonable amount of time.

I shared the cover pencils publicly, but I'll share them here too just so you know what to look forward to:

 I feel like the last few months have had me bouncing back and forth between different projects and not having anything to show for it, and I'm relieved to have something I can put in front of people soon x_X



That is super cute. Also, the crackdown on "objectionable" content is getting stupid.

Jared Walske

I am looking forward to reading this (though Miracle Knight Remix maybe going away is real annoying, I liked it a lot)

Amanda Lafrenais

I'm super bummer about it too! I really wanted to continue it. I'm waiting to hear back if maybe I just have to like... go back and redraw all the ears on Verum to keep it? Or if it'll get returned to me to continue on my own? There's too much in the air right now so I just gotta... leave it alone.