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Once again, don't feel bad about cancelling for October.

I have been SUPER BUSY and very little of it has been shareable, like animation/editing work and a color test for a Scholastic book (I hope I get the job!!). Not only that but I've been distracted from working on my own stuff, like Starry Knight or Slipshine, which has been kind of depressing.

BUT I'm back on my bullshit for November and am really hoping a new job offer means I can say no to numerous smaller jobs and focus on MY stuff more. Here's hopin!


Kelly Mercer

I’ve loved your work for a really long time and only recently really started to feel like I could support my favorite artists in a more direct and meaningful way. I even like the monthly “hey, I can’t post stuff” posts, which sounds weird, but it’s true. Happy to be here and hope the job comes through!!


I wish you luck. I too have loved your work for quite some time and hope you can keep going forward with your creative work.