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First off a note: I'm finishing up the sketchbook PDF for the Dec patrons and zipping up a bunch of my sketches for y'all as well. Sorry it took so long. 

As most of you know, I've been super busy. Once again, if you all want to cancel your pledges for January, please know that you will not hurt my feelings. I know I haven't been able to make any extra content. I'm also about to change the details/format of my Patreon, and will explain that below.

I've been b-u-s-y. In addition to my own business/freelance and personal projects, I've been Assitant Editor at Slipshine for a month now. It's not exactly a job I applied for, but there was an administrative void and Slipshine had certain needs, and the company has treated me very well for a long time. So stepping up only felt right. I also took on another comic gig, not because I applied for it, but because again their was a void and a peer needed help. Love Me Nice took a backseat for January, which mean I didn't have any early pages to share. And a lot of the work I've been doing has been stuff I can't share yet, so I've had very few previews to show. I also pitched Starry Knight to a publisher, and am waiting to get feedback on that.

And on a personal, and silly, note, I introduced a new baby rat to my two adults over a month ago* and their introduction process has been a bigger pain then experienced before. But that's finally smoothed out so my downtime isn't me stressing out over the animals that are supposed to de-stress me, haha.

So, I mentioned changes to my Patreon. Before the end of the 1st of Feb, I'm going to rewrite my profile. Temporarily, LMN early pages won't be an option. However, I've begun making tutorial/demo videos that I'll be selling on Gumroad, that will be made available to Patrons. I will also be sharing the beta versions of my Manga Studio 5 brushes before I put them up for sale/download with Patrons as well. I have also started doing a lot more art practice on the side, and will have process sketchbooks I'll be sharing monthly for download -- I've decided I don't want to stagnate and want to continue learning. So I'll be sharing that.

Again, Sorry for the lack of updates. I'll get the PDF and sketches up for Dec patrons tonight. And by the end of the 1st you'll be able to see the changes to my Patreon.

*Apologies for any typos I didn't catch. Whoopie, the baby rat, has been stomping all over my keyboard


Chloe Bazinet

Sending all my positive thoughts to you Amanda <3