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So I just sent the Home-Bound pitch off to a few publishers, and as I mentioned before I'm sharing it here for the curious. However, though "don't censor spoilers" won the poll, it was advised I still redact details because I added a new publisher to the list of those I was sending it to, and it seemed better to hedge my bets and remove them just in case. The original platform I was sending it to probably wouldn't have minded, but I have no idea if this'd be a no-no for the other one.

You will notice a few typos in this pitch. Yes, I sent it before I saw them. Yes, I cried on the floor after realizing that.



Ozone S.

Sending sympathy for the sentiments of "oh-no-typos". Wishing you all the best of luck for these.

Sydney Jones

Gosh I love these characters and where this story is heading! I can't wait to see come to fruition.